Chapter Seventy-Two

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Tensions had risen in the shop the next day. George was extremely angry at Verity and had proceeded to ignore for most of the day while Fred was left wondering what had happened.

Eventually, George had explained the situation to his brother, getting some of his pent up anger out. However, George hadn't explained to his brother about Verity's report about Thea, finding himself too upset to do so. But Verity had told Fred about it but had regretted it because Fred then proceeded to ignore her as well. Needless to say, it was a strange day in the Weasley Wizard Wheezes. 

The Hogwarts students would be out soon but as the weather warmed up a bit, the store found itself swamped with customers. Fred and George would work throughout the store, finding anyone who needed help and sometimes doing demonstrations on each other while Verity managed the counter. This meant that they often didn't see each other at all unless the shop became empty suddenly. 

Between a sudden empty period, George quickly found his brother and pulled him into an aisle away from any prying eyes or ears. 

"Is they anyway we can hire anyone else?" George asked his brother. "I hate being around her now, things are just so tense."

"I agree with you, Georgie, it's awkward being around her. But I already looked into it, because of the times we are in, no one wants a job, we just need to stick with her and hope times get better. But don't worry, the second we can replace her we will."

"Thanks, Freddie. I don't know what I would do without you."

"You would be unable to do anything." Fred teased. "I'm just that great and irreplaceable."

"This is nice," Thea said, walking through Hogsmeade with Tonks. 

It had been a little struggle to get Thea to be able to patrol Hogsmeade with Tonks. But as they had both predicted it didn't take long for Robards to agree to it. 

"I agree," Tonks replied, her vibrant voice gone.

Although Tonks did try to force a smile onto her face every day, it was plainly obvious to see the cracks in her exterior. The whole thing with Remus was really getting to her. Many people had noticed it including their fellow Aurors who had tried to bring it up with Thea several times. 

Remus was just confusing the poor woman.  Some days it was obvious that he shared the same feelings but whenever they would get to close he would push her away again, making some excuse about the age difference and his furry little problem. 

And Tonks wasn't dealing very well with it and Thea of course after living with her for almost a year was well caught up in the entire situation. She honestly just wanted to kick Remus and lock the two of them in a room somewhere without their wands, to talk it out. 

"How are you, Thea?" Tonks asked, softly. "And I don't want all the 'I'm tired because of work and stuff' excuse. I want to know how you are, truly. You've had a traumatic couple of years, with your brother and all. So how are you, Thea?"

"Well, I'm alright, I suppose. Our world is getting darker every day now, well look around would we be doing this right now if our entire world wasn't under threat?"

"No, I suppose not."

"After my last year in Hogwarts, I don't think I was ready to really face the outside world, everything always feels safe in Hogwarts like nothing wrong can really happen in there except deadlines, exams, friendship issues, and breakups. But now I deal with all of this every day." Thea said, turning to Tonks who looked deep in thought. 

"How are you and George?" She asked. 

"Um. What?"

"Have you talked at all since the breakup?"

"Um. Not really. I saw him briefly over Christmas but spent most of the time staying out of his way. I know that in some deep down part of me, still likes him, or even loves him still. But I know it's never going to happen, he's so popular, he has probably found someone else by now. And to be honest I don't want to see that."

"I wish someone loved me." Tonks suddenly wailed.

Thea's eyes widened as she had to comfort the crying woman in front of her. "But they do, Tonks. You have your parents, all of the Order, we all love having you around."

"But Remus doesn't." Tonks hiccupped. 

"Actually, I'm pretty sure he's very much in love with you. He's just afraid to show it. But hey, I promise next time I'll see him I'll talk to him about it. Even though I'm of age now, whether he wants it or not technically the paperwork still has him as my temporary guardian so he has to listen to me."

"You would do that?"

"Of course, I would. Maybe kick him in the shin as well."


However, their day was soon cut to a quick stop as they received the news that Dumbledore had called for the Order of the Phoenix to assemble on the Hogwarts grounds and inside the castle. He believed that Death Eaters would be arriving by nightfall.

Thea and Tonks, of course, as they were already stationed in Hogsmeade were among the first people in the castle. They walked through the castle, silently, wands drawn until they reached where several Order members, as well as Aurors, had assembled. 

"What are you doing here?" An auror asked Thea when she arrived. "Your final results haven't arrived yet, you are not an Auror, you may be Robards' favorite but that doesn't mean you have a right to be here."

"I'm an Order of the Phoenix member, so mate I'd suggest you keep out of other people's business." Thea replied back with a slight smirk, walking away from the Auror, where she actually bumped into Remus.

"Oh, sorry about that, Remus."

"Don't worry, Thea. It's good to see you again, it's been awhile. How did you final exams go...OW!" Remus shouted before leaning down to clutch his leg in pain. "What was that for, Thea?"

"Oh, you know what that was for." Thea replied.

"You've been talking to Tonks, haven't you?"

"What do you expect? I live with her." Thea replied. "But yes, I have. But honestly, you just need to let her in and stop pushing her away. You are confusing her, you show feelings for her then you push her away again. I'm not alone when I say I think you guys would be great together. So please just try, it's driving me crazy."

"When did you get so wise?" 

"Well, getting this wise so quickly isn't a good thing you know. I'm soon going to have a beard like Dumbledore and be delivering bizzarre speeches."

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