Chapter Ninety-Four

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"How are you feeling, Thea?" Kingsley came into Thea's room in the Lupin household late one afternoon. 

Thea slowly put down her book looking up to Kingsley as he entered the room.

"A lot better, Kingsley. I feel like I could get up and ran a marathon, to be honest." Thea said before she started giggling which sent off the usual stern-faced Kingsley Shacklebolt as well.

"Are you sure about that, Thea?" He asked.

"Hell, no. I hated cardio even before I was tortured I don't think I would love it now anyway."

"Well, it's good to see you joking around again, Thea. You had us all worried for a little while there. But I just wanted to let you know just how sorry I am about everything. That should never have happened to you and I'm so sorry."

"Don't be, Kingsley. It wasn't your fault. I was caught unprepared and didn't have my guard up like I usually do. It just happened but it's in the past now and we don't have any reason to worry about it anymore, okay?"

"Okay. Thank you, Thea. That's really put my mind at rest."

"No problem, Kingsley."

As the days passed, Thea found herself getting more and more agitated. She wanted to get out and do stuff despite everyone telling her to stay in bed and heal properly. But Thea knew that her body had healed and she was ready to get back out and get stuff done. Not to mention that she wanted to get back to her old apartment and finally move out her final things so she could go back to her family home to peace and quiet. Thea did love staying in the Lupin household as she was able to see Tonks and Remus every day and spend many long hours talking with Tonks about the baby. It was due any day now and Tonks looked ready to pop. Remus and Tonks were both nervous about having and raising a child together but Thea knew that they were going to do amazingly. 

Elliot was constantly fluttering between the Diggory family home and the Lupin family home. He checked up on Thea constantly, still not fully overseeing her in her tortured state. He had nightmares constantly and nothing seemed to be able to stop them, he couldn't bear to see his best friend die viciously in his sleep one more time so dreamless sleep potions were in plentiful use as of current. 

But Elliot wasn't the only one having nightmares, George was too. He shared a room with Fred at his Aunt Muriel's place but often woke up halfway through the night, sweating as he slowly pulled himself back to reality. His nightmares featured all his family members slowly dying fatally before Thea finally came in front of him before dying herself. He had woke up with a start several times during the night and the only way he was able to go back to sleep was by listening to Fred's breathing that eventually settled him back to sleep. 

Thea had had enough of laying around in bed all day never doing anything she was more than ready to get out and do stuff. So the next time that Elliot came into the room to check on her, she told him what she wanted to do.

"I want to get up and moving, Elliot," Thea told him straight away.

"Thea," Elliot whined. "Are you sure that that is a good idea? You aren't completely healed-"

"I'm completely sure, Elliot. Otherwise, why would I be saying so? It doesn't have to be much but staying in this bed all day is driving me insane. All I really want to do right now is for you to come with me to our old apartment so I can get the rest of my things from there and then we can go back to my family home where I will let you force me back to bed. Does that sound like something you can agree with?" Thea asked. 

Elliot rubbed at his face before he slowly nodded. "You are impossible to say no to you know? But yes, I think a quick outing could be good for all of us."

"That's the spirit!" Thea called loudly. 

"What? How?" Thea asked herself as she and Elliot arrived in front of the smoldering remains that used to be their old apartment. It had been burned to the ground leaving only a few charred bits of timber laying on the blackened earth. 

"I don't know, Thea," Elliot said, kicking at a piece of charred timber. "Who would have done this?"

"I reckon it might have been Death Eaters. They must have come past after they discovered Ron wasn't recovering from Spattergroit at the Burrow. After all, we are known conspirators and after they saw we weren't home they probably decided to burn it down to the ground." Thea said quickly. 

"We probably should get out of here and go notify everyone," Elliot said, heading to Thea's side and helping her to apparate out of there in her weakened state. 

"Did you see anyone there?" Kingsley asked urgently observing the two as they told him what had happened the second they got back from the remains of the house. 

"Like we said, Kingsley. There wasn't much left just a few charred timber logs left. We didn't see anyone but I suspect it was done a few days ago by Death Eaters after they found out that Ron wasn't actually recovered from Spattergroit at the Burrow. You said it yourself that our house was well-known amongst them and that's why we moved. It was just in time too."

"I think you are quite right, Thea. It must have been it. I am sorry to hear about the loss of your home though. I hope you two didn't have many things left there." Remus said entering the conversation.

"We didn't Remus, it was just a few clothes as well as a few toiletries nothing that wasn't entirely irreplaceable. We got lucky."

"That you did-" Remus started but was interrupted by his wife giving a small squeak of pain. Remus quickly rushed to his wife's side. "What! What is it, Dora?"

"I think my water just broke."

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