Chapter Sixty-Eight

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Thea rapped her knuckles on the door. Robards had demanded that she have a day off because he had said that the events of the previous day were getting to her and she needed a day to collect her thoughts. Had it been any other day or situation, Thea would probably have leapt for joy but she now found herself directly disobeying her boss' orders, knocking at the door of the main eye-witness directly across the road from the house she had been in, the day prior.

"Can I help you, dear?" 

Thea looked down to see an elderly lady who was a bit shorter than she was, looking at her. "Um, yes. My name is Thea Diggory, I work with those people who questioned you yesterday, pertaining to the murder of the family you live across the street from. Do you mind if I ask you a few more questions?"

"No, of course, dear, come in." The lady stepped aside to allow Thea to pass in through the door. "My, my, where are my manners." The lady said. "My name is Daisy Cameron and this is my grandson, Pearson Cameron."

"It's lovely to meet you both," Thea said, smiling, crouching down to reach Pearson's height. "What about a high-five, little man?" Pearson quickly reached up to slap his own small hand against Thea's hand. 

"Come and sit in the lounge room, would you perhaps like anything to eat?"

"Oh, I'm fine, thank you, Mrs. Cameron. I won't intrude too much, just a few questions and then I'll leave."

"Don't be silly, you aren't intruding, Pearson and I had nothing to do anyway. And please call me Daisy." 

"Ok, Mrs. Um. Daisy. Do you remember hearing anything unusual around the time you suspected the family had been killed?" 

"I don't think so, actually hang on." Daisy started. "I do remember something, it was very quick and I don't really remember it because Pearson started crying but it was a loud bang that echoed around, I just thought it was a car backfiring."

Thea's eyes widened as she realized what it was. "And did you tell this to the people who were here yesterday questioning you?"

"No. They never asked and as I said, I was quite pre-occupied at the time."

"Ok, then. Next question-" Thea started but stopped when she saw Daisy's grandson, Pearson come waddling into the room, clutching what looked like a long stick but on closer examination, it was a wand very similar to the one that sat in Thea's pocket. "What is that, that Pearson is holding?" Thea asked, her hands twitching slightly. 

"Oh, it's just a decorated stick."

"Where did you find it?" Thea pushed. "How long have you had it?" 

"Oh, I found it on the street the other day, actually not that long after I heard the bang now that I think about it." 

"Would you mind if I took it back with me just to check it had no relation to the crime?"

"Oh no at all, I don't see a problem with it. The only issue would be getting it off, Pearson." Daisy said, gesturing to where her grandson was holding the wand tightly. "He seems to be very attached to it." 

"Now, Thea. Why did you demand an immediate meeting with me on your day off?" Robards asked, looking at the training Auror in front of him.

"Well, you see sir, I went back to the street where the murder took place.." Thea started but was interrupted as Robards exploded in front of her. 


"No! Well, yes, kind of. But sir, please just let me explain."

"Very well then," Robards said still looking extremely mad. "But there isn't much you can say know that can save you."

"Well, I went back but I went over the street to the house of Daisy Cameron who was our main eye-witness and I got some very interesting information from her." 

"You are running out of time, Diggory." 

"I talked with her and she mentioned hearing a loud noise like a car backfiring and I had have come to the conclusion that she heard the sound of a wizard or witch apparating. She also found this-" Thea said placing the wand on the table in front of her. "On the street shortly as she heard the loud bang, her grandson has since been playing with it. I haven't had the chance to check to see what the last spell on the wand was but I assumed that you could all do that." Thea looked up to see Robards becoming increasingly angry. 

"So please explain to me why our actual Aurors didn't discover this when they questioned Mrs. Cameron, themselves."

"I questioned her about that and she simply said and I quote 'they didn't ask those questions'." 

"I simply cannot believe you, Miss Diggory. You directly disobeyed my orders, returned to the crime scene, question a muggle who had no part in being questioned more and have returned back with fake evidence."

"How dare you!" Thea shouted back. "I was simply tying the loose ends that your Aurors failed to check."

"Miss Diggory, you now find yourself suspended from Auror training and after close examination, if your so-called evidence fails to provide Mr. Duerre's innocence you will find yourself expelled from the Auror training course, permanently. Do you understand me, Miss Diggory?"

"Clear as crystal." Thea spat back. "Some head of the Auror office, you are," Thea muttered as she left the room. 

"What was that, Miss Diggory," Robards demanded. 

"I know you heard me." 

Thea headed out back to the Auror office, watching as everyone watched her with slightly scared and concerned expressions, it was no doubt that they had heard the exchange between her and Robards. She quickly collected her stuff before leaving out the door, Elliot's eyes following her. 

"What are you all looking at! Get back to work!" Robards bellowed. "Mad-Eye Moody please come into my office so we can examine some more evidence."

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