Chapter Seventy-Five

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The members of the Burrow were left completely in dark about everything that was happening at Hogwarts. They were left wandering around the Burrow, hoping that everything would turn out alright. Fred and George with the addition of Elliot had eventually made their way into the living room when Fleur had left to go wash her face from all her crying, leaving Molly to continue to pace in the kitchen.

Things were awkward between the men because Elliot was of course more than aware of everything that had gone down between Thea and George as while as the fact that the twins were not very fond of Elliot. Fred was finding it strange because he was angry at Elliot for making his twin upset while he wasn't sure that Elliot was that guilty after all. And George was still angry at Verity for telling him about Elliot and Thea so that made him angry at Elliot as well.

" how did you and Thea meet, Elliot?" Fred asked, trying to distill the air between them that was full of anticipation.

"Pardon?" Elliot asked, he had been too caught up in his own thoughts and didn't hear what Fred had asked him.

"I asked how did you and Thea meet?"

"Oh, okay," Elliot said before starting his story. "Well, I suppose first of all there hadn't been an Auror trained since Tonks' year. So it was a bit of a shock when not only one person applied and had the required results but three did. But yeah, Thea was the only girl with myself and another boy called Miles as company. Well, I'm sure you guys know that Thea likes to make friends and meet new people and does quite quickly. In fact, she even complained when Mad-Eye Moody was assigned as her mentor becuase she wanted to meet someone new. So, Thea and I quickly became good friends as we shared a lot of the same interests. But pretty much as soon as Thea and Miles met they started to disagree on anything, Miles is a bit of a jerk and Thea wasn't standing for that at all. However, we had to get used to it because we would be spending a lot more time together. Shortly into our training program, we were informed that we would have to work thrice as hard because they were trying to fit the three-year training process into only one year because more and more Aurors were needed as we kept losing them to Death Eaters so it became vital for us to be trained as quickly as possible."

"So that's why Thea looked so exhausted over Christmas," George said.

"Yeah, that was when our final character aptitude exams were going on as well as your typical skill and technique exams, we needed to pass those so we could head out into the field and work on actual cases."

"And did you?" Fred asked, curious.

"Yep. The first few were mainly us trying to comfort the victims who had survived but on the first big one, Thea nearly blew the entire operation."


"The perpetrator was James Duerre, a person who Thea had met during her time at Hogwarts and who I believe she went to the Yule Ball with," Elliot said looking towards the twins as if they would know.

"Yeah, that does sound about right," Fred responded.

"Well, he was accused of killing an entire family of muggles, there was quite solid evidence and everything. But Thea didn't feel right about the whole thing, so she went directly against our boss' orders and went back to the site to interview the main eye-witness again. She uncovered more evidence that eventually saved James from a sentence of life in Azarban but nearly lost her job in the process. But her evidence was proven correct, James' life saved, her job back. Now she's proven herself to become one of the most skilled Aurors of her age but hates it when anyone brings it up."

"Wow." George breathed. "I had no clue."

"That's pretty amazing," Fred said.

"Yeah, it is-" Elliot said but was interrupted by several loud cracks echoing around the Burrow as well as two loud cries from the kitchen.

The three of them quickly made their way into the kitchen to see the Burrow flooded with people including a very injured Bill who was covered with blood.

The twins' faces dropped at the sight of their brother while Elliot searched for Thea, but he couldn't see her anywhere.

"Have you seen, Thea? Is she alright?" Elliot quickly asked Remus, grabbing the man by the arm as he passed Elliot.

"She's fine, a little injured as well but mostly okay. I believe she will be here very soon with Tonks."

Most of the Order members who weren't helping Bill headed into the living room preparing themselves to tell the others who had happened. Elliot settled himself on the floor, listening out for any sound that sounded like someone else arriving. Two loud cracks echoed around the Burrow again and Elliot unable to stand the suspense of his best friend being injured quickly headed out to the kitchen to find Thea and Tonks just entering it.

"Thea!" Elliot shouted quickly making his way over to his friend. "What happened! Are you hurt?"

"I got in a fight with the giant squid," Thea replied causing the people who were listening to break into small chuckles.

"What?" Elliot asked confused.

"Don't worry." Thea quickly dismissed. "I'm sure everyone will explain to everyone what happened later. But yes, I'm fine."

"No, you are not," Elliot replied, examining her. "You've got blood all over your face from a cut that a broken wrist?"

"It is, Elliot but really I'm fine, nothing that a little healing spell can't take care of."

"I really wouldn't worry about her Elliot," Bill said, sitting up from the corner where Molly was hard at work, trying to heal him. "She saved my life."

"Shhh," Molly said pushing him back down so she could heal him.

"See?" Thea said. "It's all good."

"Fine, but I'm going to make you sit down until we get you healed up."

"Ok-" Thea started, softly before she collapsed on the ground with a loud thud, making several people run over to assist her.

"Thea!" Elliot said lightly shaking her.

"I'm fine!" Thea shouted, before propping herself up on her good hand.

"Thea!" Elliot said slapping her on the shoulder before he pulled her back up to her feet. "That wasn't funny!"

"It really was, you should have seen all your faces, it was priceless."

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