Chapter Seventy-Six

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Thea sat on one of the couches in the Burrow, her now healed right hand wrapped up in a few bandages, the cut on her face, now cleaned and disinfected.

Elliot sat by her side, the two of them discussing when the results from their final Auror examinations would arrive, informing them that they were in fact Aurors.

Fred and George sat on the other side of the room talking about something but their eyes still occasionally drifted over to where Thea and Elliot were sitting. Thea had faltered slightly when she had spotted the twins knowing that there wasn't any way that she could hide, but it wasn't exactly like she was able to move around very much anyway so she stayed on the couch, talking with Elliot and watching the scene unfold in front of her with a slight smirk.

Fleur had declared her love for Bill and her wish to still marry him would not change even though he was still bloody and the wounds would soon scar. It had earned her major brownie points in the Weasley household so much in fact that Molly and Fleur were having a bonding moment as they helped to heal Bill as best as they could.

But it had inspired Tonks to decide to publicly announce her feelings for Remus and the two were currently having a heated argument in the corner of the lounge room while everyone watched on amused.

"You see!" Tonks cried from where she was glaring at Remus. "She still wants to marry him, even though he's been bitten! She doesn't care!"

"It's different," Remus replied, softly although his face looked tense. "Bill will not be a full werewolf. The cases are completely-"

"But I don't care either, I don't care!" Tonks said grabbing him by the front of his robes and shaking him. "I've told you a million times..."

"And I've told you a million times," Remus replied, looking at the floor refusing to look up at Tonks, "that I am too old for you, too poor...too dangerous...."

Tonks let out a slight groan before turning to Thea for back up. "A little help, please, Thea?"

"I think you've got it under control, Tonks. Just snog him already as much as this is amusing, just get it over with already!" Thea shouted.

Despite the truth laced through Thea's statement, Remus continuing to try and find any excuse to show Tonks that she shouldn't like him. He continued to claim he was too old, too poor, too dangerous. Although everyone had found it quite amusing in the beginning, it was now reaching the point where several people were getting ready to force the two of them to kiss so they could get on with their evening. Plans would need to be made about what to do in Dumbledore's absence and the Order still needed to discuss a lot of things. Thea could feel her eyes wanting to close so badly, her body wishing her to sleep but she couldn't let herself. Elliot, however, seemed to sense Thea's ever-growing tiredness.

"Just go to sleep Thea. You need it." Elliot had barely finished his sentence when Thea had already fallen asleep leaning against his shoulder slightly.

Dumbledore's funeral was scheduled for a few days later. But, Thea couldn't help to think about how much of a great loss, Dumbledore's death meant for the Wizarding World. He was the only person who Voldemort feared and now he was gone. But where did that leave everyone else?

Thea had eventually made her way back to the apartment she shared with Tonks, although she didn't feel like she would be sharing the apartment for much longer. Thea hadn't gotten out of bed for days unless she really needed to go to the toilet or actually eat something. The entire Wizarding World was in grief over the loss of the great wizard.

A few good things had come out the great loss though, Fleur and Bill's wedding would be taking place in a few months when Bill was completely healed, it was strange to see Fleur and Molly talking like old friends when Thea saw them next. Fleur hadn't back out on her words, she still loved Bill exactly as she had before Greyback's savage attack.

While Tonks' hair was miraculously back to its signature bubblegum pink after announcing her love for Remus. It had been a strange sight for Thea after she had become too accustomed to Tonks' mousy-brown hair.

But Tonks and Remus were now in a relationship and extremely happy together. They had come to talk to Thea about it a few days earlier. Making sure that she was fine with the relationship as it might have been a bit strange for her, her temporary guardian and the person she considered her sister and one of her best friends. But Thea kept the views she had explained to Tonks on a number of occasions, she was more than happy for the two of them, anyone could see that they were madly in love with each other and Thea wanted them to be together.

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