Chapter Thirty-Five

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Thea stared at the stout woman in front of her who was dressed in pink from head to toe, a look of complete disgust and shock gracing her face. 

The woman who called herself, Professor Umbridge, had just finished saying how this year only the theory would be taught and only to be practiced. No actual spell casting would be done this year. 

The stress and workload that was already starting to build weren't doing Thea any good. Her head hurt from the stress and constant crying. She had no energy because of many sleepless nights hoping that her parents would gain some kind of normality again, she wouldn't be afraid of going to sleep because of every dream or nightmare always involved Cedric. 

Either a dream depicting him alive, reliving a memory from their lives. Or a nightmare showing Cedric's dead body, how he died, how he was trapped below the ground. The possibilities were endless and the dreams never stopped.

Once the class had finally ended. Thea got up ready to head out clutching her books close to her chest, already going through her timetable in her head, working out what was next as well as going through her list of secluded hiding places throughout the castle where she could go to if she needed a few moments to herself to think or to even study if the library or common room were too full, either of people studying, to avoid her former friends who were still trying to talk to her or people coming over to offer their support. 

Give her a hug, telling her that it was alright, that they could go to her if they needed her, that she needed to move on, how Cedric was a great young man who deserved to be remembered. 

Thea always ended scowling at them or yelling at them. Running off, avoiding all contact possible. She had practically become a hermit crab within a few months. Devoid of all human contact. 

Thea had taken one step out of the classroom, eager to go hide again when she was called back by none other than Umbridge herself. 

"Ah. Miss Thea Diggory is it, dear?"

"Um...yes, Professor Umbridge," Thea replied trying to clearing the lump in her throat, that had been the first words she had uttered in days. 

"I heard about your brother and I just wanted to offer my support and ask you if anything was the matter."

Thea struggled to contain her sigh of disappointment and how eyes were about to roll in distaste. Thea immediately sensed an ulterior motive and honestly even though she didn't know what it was, she knew it wasn't a good thing. 

"Um..thanks Professor Umbridge. I better get going, I have class." Thea was surprised at how quickly the lie came off her tongue, but she was too caught up in comparing the pink woman in front of her to a toad wearing a pink sweater. The thought provided her with the first lot of happiness she had had in weeks and the thought almost made her burst into laughter. 

"Of course, dear. Off you go."

Thea quickly found one of her favorite spots in the entire castle. It was a little alcove built into the wall, facing the grounds of the castle. It was almost hidden from the normal corridor even if this corridor wasn't as used as the others. 

Everything was quite silent and peaceful until rambunctious laughter was heard from the end of the hall. Thea barely had time to work out who it was before the two redheads appeared at the end of the hall. Why did they always end up appearing at the most unfortunate of times?

Thea tucked herself closer to the wall praying that they wouldn't see her, probably making some joke about the tears falling from her eyes, the hair that hadn't been washed in days, the pale ghostly version of herself she had become. They would probably compare her with Peeves but make it about ten times worse.  

Holding out the book in front of her, reviewing the list of spells and enchantments in front of her, Thea strained her ears for any sound of movement or laughter that might show her where the boys were. She was about to poke her head out to look for them when they found her. 

"Ah, what do we have here?" Fred asked not unkindly. 

"I'm not sure, Freddie." 

"I think we found a wild Thea hiding from the world."

"It's not a surprise, you idiots. Anyone would hide from the world as well if they had to actually talk to you two." Thea replied snarkily, wiping the few stray tears away. 

The twins looked a little taken aback clearly not expecting such a response from Thea, particularly in her current state. 

"Wow. Looks like Thea still holds that grudge against us, it appears. Well, our work is done, let's go, Georgie." Fred said beginning to leave. 

"Just wait for a second, Fred," George replied turning back to Thea. "Are you alright, Thea?"

"Oh look. Another person trying to tell me that everything is alright. That I need to move on. My parents don't function now that he is gone. You don't what it's like. You are just like everyone else, leave me alone!" Thea said so fiercely she surprised herself. 

Fred and George looked shocked for a few seconds, almost fearful as they looked over Thea before scampering down the hall probably to cause more trouble, not giving her another thought. 

Thea sat there miserably, tears falling from her eyes. How had she thought it would be a good idea to come back? She should have just stayed at home with her parents, helping them to get better before being selfish and worrying about herself and her education. She held the books close to her chest, trying to calm her emotions. 

The whole castle was silent it seemed, in mourning just like Thea. She tried to look at her watch only to find it impossible to see because of the tears blurring her vision, however, everyone was probably at dinner. Slightly surprised at her complete aversion to going to dinner or even eating at all. Thea closed her eyes, already feeling the headache that she always got after crying coming on. 

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