Chapter Fifty-Eight

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Thea Diggory gasped as she woke up, looking around her room. She was sitting up which she found unusual until she found the book in her lap with several wrinkled pages from where she had been sleeping on it. 

Quickly, she listened closely to the sounds of her housemate's echoing snores. The silencing charm around her room should do the check but one could never be too sure. 

Although the nightmares sometimes varied slightly, it was always generally the same thing, her experiences in the Department of Mysteries, Sirius' death and George's heartbroken face when she told him that she wanted to break up. The memories haunted her, causing her to dread sleep which was why she had been reading.

Heading downstairs, Thea quickly made herself a cup of tea, trying to remain as quiet as possible. She picked up the steaming cup as she headed over to the open window, letting the summer breeze settle over her. 

A lot of things had changed since Sirius' death. Tensions had run high in the Order for a while as everyone processed everything that had happened but as soon as the tension died down, Thea was finally allowed to be apart of the order. 

Harry had been sent back to his aunt and uncle's, no doubt to be forced to live through a horrible summer with them. Thea had only seen Harry once after Sirius' death and the boy's distraught face said a thousand words. 

Thea had also expressed her desire to move out of Remus' house where she was currently living because she couldn't bear the thought about heading back to Grimmauld Place unless she had to for Order stuff much less to live there. Remus had fought her the entire way, telling her that she couldn't move out and live by herself in these times and several arguments later, Thea had moved into Tonks' place. 

The young Auror had quickly become a sister-like figure to Thea. The two of them often spent long hours discussing pointless things while the other half was often spent helping Thea with her auror studies. 

Thea's had received Outstanding on all her N.E.W.T.S subjects with the exception of Care of Magical Creatures in which she had only achieved an Exceeding Expectations. Thea hadn't expected it, she had assumed that she had done badly considering all the pressure that had been on her that day. But she became even more overjoyed when she was let into the Auror course. 

She was only one of three in her course but as the world seemed to get darker each day, the entire course which usually took three years to complete was being condensed into a one year course, putting the three in the course under immense pressure to succeed. 

Thea was the only girl in the course, flanked by two boys with very differing personalities. Elliot had quickly become a good friend, despite how painfully he reminded her of George. Elliot could often be found at the apartment that Tonks and Thea shared, his laughter filling the apartment as he tried to make all the study and practice bearable. However, it was the other boy, Miles that she simply could not stand. The boy was the typical egotistical jerk, however, his stubborn and headstrong personality only rivaled Thea's own. The two of them frequently butted heads about a large variety of topics, they could never agree on anything.  

Thea rarely got a day off and if she had one it was often spent doing special business for the order. However, that day she had been spared from Order business and Auror training and although her conscience kept telling her that she should be studying for her course, she was quite enjoying her cup of tea. 

"You should be sleeping!" A voice pointed out from behind her. 

"I could say the same about you." Thea grinned turning around to see Tonks rubbing at her hair, angrily.

Thea, of course, wasn't the only one with relationship problems. After Thea's temporary guardian, Remus had completely disregarded Tonks' feelings towards him, she had changed a lot physically and mentally. Tonks' hair was mousy brown and fell to her shoulders lifeless, her signature bubble gum pink hair was gone, giving the woman a saddened look. 

"Well, you woke me up," Tonks replied with a thoughtful expression. 

"Oh. I'm so sorry." Thea quickly apologized, words spewing from her mouth at a great rate before she caught sight of Tonks' laughing figure. "Well, I'm glad someone is finding this funny," Thea grumbled. 

"Anyway, shouldn't you be studying?"

"Yeah well about that...I think I'm quite content with my cup of tea, thanks."

Tonks gave a slight chuckle turning to her hair, hoping to see it change color but it remained still and lifeless against her shoulders.

"We really are very similar, Thea!" Tonks mused. "I reckon I said the same thing to myself when I was your age." 



Tonks had joined Thea, in the early hours of the morning, pulling up a chair, her own hands clasped around a mug of tea. The two of them sat there watching the sunrise as the area around their apartment was bathed in orange light. 

"You know we really probably should get moving," Tonks announced, getting up from her chair and placing the two now-empty mugs in the sink. 

"Well, I don't know about you, Tonks but I've seen an angry Molly Weasley and I do not wish to repeat the experience. 

"What was it like?"

"I couldn't even begin to describe it to you." 

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