Chapter Forty-Seven

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Thea was walking in the corridor absentmindedly one afternoon. It was the day before Valentine's Day, so the corridor was filled with people asking others out or even pre-existing couples acting all loved up in corridors. Thea smirked slightly, if Umbridge caught them it wouldn't end well. Her eyes fell on George making his way down the corridor towards her, rubbing his neck nervously, Thea tried to hide the smile that was determined to make its way onto her face, but she eventually gave up.

"Hey, George!" Thea said brightly. "How did you sleep?"

"Pretty good actually. What about you?"

"Well, same old, same old. The same dreams always dotted with a few nightmares dotted through. At this point I'm seriously considering becoming nocturnal, I barely sleep, and I always manage to get through the day so...."

George's smile faltered slightly when he heard about Thea's trouble with sleep. "Are you sure that you are alright, Thea? I'm sure I take you up to the infirmary and they can give you something to help."

"Oh no, I'm fine but thank you anyway, George!" Thea smiled brightly.

"You are welcome!" George smiled back. "What are you doing tomorrow?"

"What do you mean?"

"Well, I was wondering if you had any special plans tomorrow?"

"Tomorrow...oh Valentine's Day." Thea said. "And no, I don't have any special plans."

"Well, um..." George said rubbing his neck nervously again. "I was wondering if you with me..." Thea's expression quickly changed leaving George slightly worried. "Not like a d-date or anything...unless you'd want it to be or anything...I just thought it was a good idea.... Fred is going with I just thought..." George trailed off looking over to Thea trying to gauge what her reaction would be.

"Um..." Thea began just as awkward. "I-I w-would love to! As long as that is okay with you."

George breathed a small sigh of relief before responding. "Of course, it's okay with me, I was the one who asked you after all."

"Well, great, I can't wait." Thea smiled brightly trying to keep her expression calm while on the inside her brain was screaming in delight.

"I can't wait either! You can meet me and the others in entry hall at 9 maybe?"

"Sounds great! I'm sorry but I have to head to class, but I'll see you then." Thea departed turning around to smile brightly as George but as soon as she turned the corner out of view she started to jump up and down excitedly.

George watched her go, with a smile evident on his face. "I hope you enjoy it, Thea."

The next day, the castle was in full holiday mode and everyone who was going into Hogsmeade with someone or spending the day with a loved one was very excited. When Thea met up with George and Fred in the entry hall, the next day, she was introduced to Angelina, the captain of the Gryffindor Quidditch Team, a girl who Thea had admired her Quidditch skills for a long time.

"It's lovely to meet you, Thea. I've only briefly met you on the Quidditch pitch and even then, we were against each other but these two have told me a lot about you, so I can't wait to get to know each other a bit better."

"It's lovely to meet you as well, Angelina. I can't wait to get to know you better as well."

The four of them quickly set out for Hogsmeade, wrapped tightly in various jumpers, coats and scarfs as the winter weather was still quite chilly.

"I've always been quite envious of the Hufflepuff Quidditch team honestly, you guys had your brother, Thea with all those new strategies all the time and we were stuck with Wood." Angelina said looking to the twins expecting them to laugh with her about Wood, but she watched as Thea looked away as the twins tensed slightly.

"Oh. I'm so sorry, Thea. I simply didn't think." Angelina quickly apologised wanting to kick herself for being so stupid.

"It's honestly fine, Angelina. I'm slowly getting over it, but it does still hurt sometimes."

"I'm sorry to hear that." Angelina replied pulling Thea into a little hug.

"It's really fine, but thanks."

Fred and George stopped tensing, their worried expressions dissipated. George quickly headed to Thea's side while Fred headed to Angelina's other side.

"So, are you two going to tell us where we are going?" Angelina questioned.

"Well we are not going to tell you, it's going to be a surprise." The twins said in unison causing Angelina's expression to change to one of questioning and puzzlement.

"I wouldn't worry too much, Angelina. Knowing these two, we will probably be heading to Zonko's."

"The joke shop?" Angelina spluttered.

"Yep." Thea grimaced. "Although you really shouldn't be too surprised, these two are trying to create their own products. In that means why are we going to Zonko's, aren't you two coming up with original products?"

"Yes, but that doesn't mean that we can't get inspiration from Zonko's." George said as the girls started to laugh.

"What?" Fred asked holding his hands up in surrender. "It's a good joke shop!"

As it turned out Thea did know the boys a little too well as the four of them quickly found themselves outside Zonko's Joke Shop and as the boys browsed the aisles, the girls found themselves a small spot just outside the shop to talk.

"So how did George get you to agree to come with him for Valentine's Day?"

"What do you mean?"

"Did he bribe you, pull some big prank until you had to say yes, or did he simply just ask."

"He just asked."

"Really?" Angelina's mouth dropped open. "And you said yes?"

"Of course, I did. He's a nice person and I enjoy spending time with him."

"Are you feeling alright?" Angelina started trying to check Thea's temperature.

"I'm fine." Thea said.

"Do you like him?" Angelina said bluntly.


"I said do you like him?"

"Yeah, of course I do, like I said he's a nice person, I'm sure everyone likes him."

"That's not what I meant." Angelina said dead palming. "I mean do you like like him."

"Oh." Thea seemed to be almost shocked into silence before she responded. "I guess, I do. I don't really know."

Angelina's eyes lit up. "It's alright to not know, it always takes some time."

"Thanks." Thea said brightly. "And what about you, do you like Fred?"

"That numbskull, yeah unlikely."

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