Chapter Fourteen

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With the first task of the Tri-Wizard over, Cedric fully recovered from all his burns and the school returning to the new normal with all the foreign school students attending classes in Hogwarts.

However, once the teachers announced the Yule Ball. An event that happened every Tri-Wizard Tournament apparently, it was a tradition. The school was extremely excited again and obsessing over finding a date or group of people to go with. 

Sadie was determined to find a date, Marquis was hoping he could finally come out in front of his peers,  Thea was hoping Alexander and Max would go together, however, Thea was actually indifferent about the whole thing and Cedric was probably going with his girlfriend, Cho Chang. The relationship between Cho and Cedric always confused her. She had met Cho before obviously but Cho never really hung out with them or even talked to them in the corridors. Cho was very nice and they were both smitten with each other. As long as Cho never hurt Cedric and vice versa Thea was happy and content with the relationship. 

"So? Has anyone asked you to the dance?" Was Sadie's first conversation starter as Max and Thea sat down at the breakfast table.

"No, nor do I want anyone to," Thea replied.

"What about you, Max?" Sadie asked she was being immensely persistent today. Max was either pretending to read the book in her lap and ignore the conversation or actually reading the book and wasn't paying attention to the conversation.


"Has anyone asked you to the Yule Ball?"

"Oh, no. No one has asked me."

"Well, do you want anyone to ask you?"


"Really, Max? Because I can think of one name right now." Sadie started grinning broadly as Max narrowed her eyes in anger. "Oh, look who it is, maybe I'll just go tell him you want to go to the Yule Ball with him."

"You do and you die."

"Wow. So violent."

"I'm warning you, Sarah."

Sadie poked her tongue out and Max returned the greeting. Thea rolled her eyes everyone was being really immature lately.

"What are you girls doing?" Alexander asked coming over Marquis following him.

"Where's Cedric?"

"Asking Cho Chang to the Yule Ball," Marquis replied without missing a beat.

"You've got to be kidding!"

"What is the matter, Sadie?" Alexander asked.

"Well, I don't know about you guys but I've never actually held a proper conversation with Cho despite those two dating for a few months. Shouldn't she talk to us or we talk to her?"

"Maybe she is shy?"

"Really? I don't think so. She's got enough confidence to give out."


"Don't shoosh me!"

"What are you doing?" Cedric asked walking up to the group who had frozen into positions in their attempt to look natural and like they weren't talking about Cedric's girlfriend. 

"Nothing, big brother. How about you?"

"I'm good. I just asked Cho to the Yule Ball and she said yes!"

"That's great!" Thea smiled happily. 

Thea and Max's chance to study in the library finally happened. There was no pranking half the school or interrupting people this time.

Thea had finished all her study and homework and was writing a letter to one of her friends back home. Nina was an old childhood friend from back home and knew all about the wizarding world. However, she didn't attend Hogwarts, funnily enough, she actually attended Beauxbatons but wasn't one of the people chosen to enter the tournament. The two girls had sent letters back and forth for a long time and it wasn't going to change anytime soon.

Dear Nina,

This year seems like it's gone way to quickly! It will be Christmas before we know it but I'm not coming this year neither is Cedric. I'm sure you've heard all about the Tri-Wizard Tournament and you probably want to know how Fleur Delacour is doing. She is doing well, her skirt was set on fire by a dragon during the first task but she still retrived the egg as planned. 

Well, a part of this Tri-Wizard tournament is the Yule Ball it's a tradition of the Tournament. But it's sent the entire school into a frenzy, everyone is eager to find a date and if you don't have a date yet you would think it would be the end of the world. Well, that's Sadie's thinking anyway. The Yule Ball takes place on Christmas Eve which is why Cedric and I aren't coming home. Cedric's got a date, he's taking his girlfriend, Cho Chang, they are official now. I'm sorry that your childhood dreams of dating my brother won't come true now. 

I know you are probably asking yourself right now where I stand on this whole Yule Ball, finding dates thing. Don't try to deny it, I know you are, I know you too well. 

I think I'm just kind of on the fence about this whole thing. It would be nice to go with someone or even just go with some friends but I don't have a particular person I want to go with despite what Max probably wrote in her last letter to you. 

Actually, scrap that, maybe going with James wouldn't be too bad.....

I've been thinking about that time two summers ago when you came over to discover Marquis, Sadie, Alexander and Max all here. You were sort of overwhelmed before you and Max began talking about some sort of author or something and you began to settle in. That was a good summer.

I think the plan is for everyone to come over this summer again so you'll get to see everyone again. It still really sucks that you don't come to Hogwarts with us, it would be amazing if you did. I wouldn't have to write letters all the time...

Actually, I love writing these letters. It's my only time that I actually socialise with people who aren't the Quidditch team. Actually the only time I actually socialise. Do you feel honoured? 

Well, I've got to go. To find a date maybe, actually, have to talk to people and more. Hope all is well at Beauxbatons. Looking forward to your next letter.

Your friend, 

Thea Diggory

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