Chapter One-Hundred

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The time had eventually come, and it was time for them to separate. Thea gave Elliot a final hug, before smiling at the twins across the way. As Ginny and Thea started to leave, Thea headed over to Remus before also pulling him into a hug.

"Thank you for everything, you've ever done for me."

"Thank you for everything. From everything from kicking me until I admitted my love to Tonks, for being the godmother of my child and always having the best advice."

"It's no problem. Stay safe." Thea replied pulling Remus back into another hug.

"You too."

Once again, Thea and Ginny tried to leave, when Thea's eyes fell on four people who had arrived a little late but still looked determined.

After explaining the situation to Ginny, Thea quickly ran over to the four of them.

"What are you guys doing here?" Thea asked before hugging all of them.

"We heard we were needed." Alexander said.

"We wanted to come." Max said.

"We are going to make all those Death Eaters pay, for everything they've ever done." Sadie chimed in.

"For killing Cedric." Marquis added as the group fell silent.

"That too." Thea agreed. "Good luck and stay safe all of you. I don't want my oldest friends getting hurt on me."

"We will, Thea." Max said, starting to lead the group away to find a good spot to fight.

"Wait," Thea called out. "I haven't always been the nicest person but I just wanted to thank you all again for always having my back and putting up with my ways. I don't know where I would be today without you all so I will always be grateful for that."

The others headed back to where Thea stood before pulling her into a giant group hug, they laughed together as they were all squashed together, Several people gave them weird looks, how could they be laughing at such a time as this? But they didn't care, if this would be their last moment as a group it would not be tainted with bad memories.

"Alright right, break it up you lot." Ginny butted in, in her usual fashion. "Thea, we have to go."

"Ok." Thea quickly replied. "Stay safe and good luck," Thea called out before following Ginny to where they would be patrolling the hall. 

She had barely turned the corner into the corridor when it had started, there was noise everywhere.

Shouts of people telling the younger kids to get back, shouts of incantation of the younger students who hadn't yet mastered non-verbal magic, thunderous crashing sounds and yells of agony. 

It didn't for long for Ginny and Thea to find themselves heading straight into the battle as the Death Eaters appeared from all sights, casting spells to anyone in view.

Several younger students who hadn't had the chance to get out of the way stood near Thea. She quickly called out spells to deflect the oncoming Death Eaters as Ginny helped them to get to another part of the castle. 

Thea looked around the corridor looking to find anyone who needed assistance when another Death Eater materialized in front of her, it was the scared, blonde girl that Thea had threatened when they had taken over Bill and Fleur's wedding. But there wasn't any look of fear on the girl's face this time it was replaced with determination as she dueled out the first spell. 

Tonks was supposed to be at her mother's house with Teddy, nice and safe, unable to fight with the rest of them. 

However, it hadn't taken long after Thea and Remus had left that Tonks knew she had to go. She couldn't stand being home, safe while everyone was fighting out there. 

Remus, her husband was there alone, Thea, her honorary sister and not to mention everyone else. 

Tonks quickly said goodbye to her mother, explaining the situation and thankfully Andromeda seemed to understand only wishing her to stay safe and placed a kiss on the top of a sleeping Teddy's head, pulling her son into her so she could hug him before she apparated. 

Tonks found herself outside Hogsmeade and she could see the castle very clearly from there. Lights were lit up in the castle as well as light from incantations, fires had already been lit up and she could even her shouts and screams from where she stood. 

It didn't take her long to reach the castle already thrown into the fray, reaching Aberfoth Dumbledore, she quickly asked if he knew where Remus was. He didn't know unfortunately but did say he had last been seen dueling Antonin Dolohov. 

Tonks quickly headed in a random direction, looking for her husband while battling several death eaters along the way. 

She turned the corner, as a sigh of relief rushed through her. There she could clearly see Remus battling Dolohov as Aberfoth had said, but she could barely say hello when she was thrown into battle with her own aunt, Bellatrix Lestrange. 

"What are you doing here?" Remus shouted at Tonks over his shoulder. "What about Teddy?"

"He's back at home with my mother but he's safe. I couldn't stand it, being unable to fight." Tonks shouted back but neither of them could reply again as they found themselves pre-occupied with their own battles. 

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