Chapter Forty-Three

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The cold weather could be felt in all the classrooms and the corridors. It was making everyone feel irritable and annoyed and Umbridge wasn't helping with this at all.

People were being handed out detentions left and right, teachers were struggling to cope with the pink devil and Dumbledore hadn't been seen in weeks.

One of Umbridge's favorite things to do each day seemed to be patrolling the corridors, searching for anything that she could get students in trouble for. Everyone always knew when she was approaching because everyone would grow silent and the rhythmic clicking of heels could clearly be heard.

This such event happened one afternoon as Thea was sitting against a windowsill, her book in her hand, her attention drawn to the words, the only sound being her even breathing and the page being turned.

The corridor that had been full of students enjoying their day, shouting, laughing and hollering died down to a ghostly silence in a few moments. The sound of her heels clicking on the floor could clearly be heard as Thea looked up from her book as Umbridge turned the corner to where Thea was, and Thea quickly looked back down to her book before she made eye contact with her.

The heels continued to clack until they stopped right in front of Thea. She slowly looked up to see Umbridge staring down at her.

"Now, what are you doing, missy?"

"Reading," Thea replied with a slight air of disdain.

"What book?"

"Peter Pan," Thea replied without skipping a beat.

Umbridge snatched the book out of Thea's hand and Thea's heart did a little lurch.

"Hm...a muggle book, very interesting. You may continue what you were doing."

"Thank you, Professor. Have a good day!" Thea smiled brightly until the pink devil had disappeared around the corner before smirking and saying the thought that was on her mind.


"What language, Miss Diggory. I would've thought your mother taught you better manners."

Thea's smirk fell a little as the mention of her mother but that didn't stop her from smiling at George as he approached and quickly countering his comment.

"And I would have thought that your mother would have told you it's rude to sneak up on people and by the way I was speaking English."

"I would be concerned if you weren't. Anyway, who were you speaking out about."


"What about that devil?" Fred said appearing out of nowhere.

"She just came through here, all like 'what are you doing, missy?' to which I replied with 'reading'." Thea continued to act out the conversation between her and Umbridge leaving Fred and George in stitches.

The laughter was so contagious that Thea couldn't help and join in. They were almost so distracted that they didn't realize as students ran down the corridor pass them heading towards the entry hall.

All three of them quickly rose to their feet, heading in the same direction until they saw what the problem was. Professor Trelawney stood in the middle of the circle of students, tears running down her face, unhuman-like sounds emitting from her mouth at random intervals.

Thea's eyes quickly searched the area to try and find out the reason behind Professor Trelawney's uncontrollable crying when her eyes fell on the stout woman dressed in pink from head to toe, looking a little too pleased with herself.

"You cannot sack me!"

"I can do whatever I want to," Umbridge replied, the smirk growing in size with each sob that echoed from Professor Trelawney's mouth.

"This is my home! I live here!"

"Not anymore."

All the student's heads snapped back and forth like watching an intense tennis match, some students were amused, while others were in complete despair. Thea watched as Lavender Brown looked close to bursting into tears as she clung to Parvati.

"Now you must remove yourself from the castle!" Umbridge shouted triumphantly gesturing towards the door.

"She will not be leaving."

Umbridge's fat face fell as she watched Dumbledore appear. Many students looked extremely relieved, as Dumbledore parted the crowd heading into the center circle.

"I have the authority, Headmaster."

"Oh, I do agree with you, Professor Umbridge. You do have the authority to dismiss my teachers. However, you cannot send them from this castle. That is still my decision. Professor Trelawney will remain here." Dumbledore replied smiling at Trelawney who responded with a gracious smile.

Umbridge was furious, she was shaking with fury. "Well, then. What will happen to her quarters when I appoint a new teacher?"

"That won't be necessary. I have already found a good successor for Professor Trelawney already. I'm sure you are aware that the ministry can only appoint new teachers if I cannot find one and I'm sure you will find him suitable enough."

The area fell silent as a large centaur entered. Everyone's eyes open wide, mouths falling open in shock.

"This is Firenze." Dumbledore introduced gesturing to the creature. 

All the students cheered loudly, laughing at the shocked expression on Umbridge's face. Thea was so relieved, she did believe that Professor Trelawney was a bit crazy, but no one deserves to be thrown out of their home like that.

George watched Thea as she cheered loudly. It was clear that she was still hurting about her brother and her missing parents, but he was glad that she seemed to be a bit happier each day. There were still those moments when he would meet up with her in the corridors and the red around her eyes made it clear that she had been crying or when during meal times she still didn't eat anything just staring blankly. But George tried to be there when he could, encouraging her, comforting her when she needed. The biggest thing that Thea really needed was time.

Fred had long let go of his whole 'no fraternising with the enemy thing' and supported Thea as well where he could.

Thea was still a little wary and guarded at most times but had started to open up a little more, letting people in and finding herself so much happier for it. 

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