Chapter Forty-Six

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"So, are you going to tell me what you were smiling about?" George approached Thea the next day, eager to know the answer to his question from earlier.

"Why do you want to know?"

"Well, considering I was awake for most of the night trying to figure out why, I think I deserve an answer, Thea."

"Well, that's unfortunate, isn't it?"

"What is?" George asked confused.

"I'm not going to tell you," Thea said before running off leaving George to stare in the empty space that she had stood in only moments before, a confused look across his face.

He soon came back to his senses however shouting and running after her. "Thea! Thea! Come back here!"

The friendship between George and Thea had greatly grown in the last few weeks, spending nearly every waking moment with each other, joking around. Thea became quite close with Fred as well because after all he and George were twins, but the friendship wasn't the same. However, as the friendship got bigger, neither person could try and deny the feelings they felt to the other, leading to many awkward exchanges when they weren't joking around. Thea, because of recent events found herself needing to cling onto anyone who cared enough to not smother her on purpose. As for George, the closer he got to Thea, he finally worked out why her upset face always bothered him and why he always needed to check up on her, it was almost more than friendship now and George wasn't sure he exactly wanted to go back.

Thea skidded around the corner before running straight into Fred who looked at her with a slightly concerned expression.

"Why are you running?"

"Gets me places quicker and away from George." Thea quickly tried to collect herself and get her breath back as George appeared at the other end of the hall. "Look at that, I better go."

"Oh no, you don't." Fred stopped her from going anywhere further until George finally arrived at where Fred stood with a smirk on his face and Thea looked slightly mad.

Fred easily picked her up, Thea still refused to eat some days and it had left her with nothing much left and placed her in George's arms, who held her still determined to get an answer this time.

"I'm not going to tell you," Thea replied stubbornly crossing her arms slightly well as well as she could in George's arms.

"Well, you leave me with no choice," George replied leaving Thea's expression to change.

"What do you mean?"

"I'm going to have to tickle you until you tell me!" George shouted triumphantly.

"Oh no, no, no, no!" Thea tried to swat George's arms away as they quickly ran up her sides leaving Thea laughing so hard, she could barely get a word out.


George's arms dropped as he looked slightly shocked giving Thea a split second to escape. "Yeah of course but you have to catch me first!"

"Thea!" George shouted after her.

Thea was by no means an athlete or even a fan of running, so she quickly found herself out of breath, ducking into an alcove away from the main corridor, Thea gave herself a few moments to catch her breath. She smiled triumphantly when the twins ran pass her without a second glance, shouting her name. Everyone who was looking on just slightly shook their heads. After catching her breath, Thea quickly turned away and ran back the way she had come. She was to busy looking behind her to see if the twins had caught on yet that she didn't notice the professor step out in front of her. Thea skidded to a stop right in front of Professor McGonagall as the professor raised an eyebrow in a questioning manner.

"Miss Diggory, where on earth are you heading at such a speed?"

"Well, Professor I don't exactly know where I'm going but I've just got to get away from the twins."

"The Weasley twins?"


"Well, I suggest you be careful if Umbridge catches you, it won't end well."

"Thank you, professor. I'll keep that in mind." Thea tried to prepare herself to start running again when Professor McGonagall quickly stopped her giving her a few more parting words.

"And, Thea?"

"Yes, Professor?"

"It's good to see you smiling again."

"Thank you, Professor." Thea turned around to thank the professor, but she had disappeared into thin air. Thea chuckled before she heard her name shouted from the other end of the hall, leading her to freeze slightly before taking off again.

That night in the dormitory, Fred turned to George before asking the same question he had asked several times in the last month, hoping George would give him an actual answer this time.

"You like Thea, don't you?"

George rubbed at his face slightly in frustration. "We've been over this Fr-."

"But I never got an answer. I know you do, I see how you look at her and I'd have to be blind to not see how she looks at you."

"You think so?" George replied before promptly smiling like an idiot again.

"There it is."

"What is there?"

"That smile."

"What smile?"

"The smile you have whenever someone talks about Thea."

"I don't have a special smile!" George tried to protest before smiling like an idiot again when he thought about what Fred had said before.

"Yeah, really convincing, Georgie, really convincing."

"Well, fine then Fred," George said starting to give up. "What do you suggest I do then?"

"I think you should ask her out to Valentine's Day."

"You think?"

"Yep! Screw that, I know you should!"

"Thanks, Freddie," George said smiling slightly.

"No problem, Georgie. She's a nice girl, I can see why you would like her."

George gave him a look. "Not that I do like her or that I ever will."

"Fred!" George shouted.

"That's not what I meant, and you know that!"

The twins looked at each other before breaking into a fight, rolling around on the floor. Lee walked in to get something before shaking his head and joining in. 

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