Chapter Twenty-Four

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The second task of the tournament had finally arrived. Thea was stressing about it and Max had done her best to calm her down but Thea simply couldn't shake the feeling that something bad was going to happen. 

Cedric was quite nervous although he would never admit it. He had reassured Thea multiple times that he had something planned and it was all going to be alright. Thea completely believed in him but she just didn't want to see anyone hurt. 

Ludo Bagman's voice brought Thea out of her little trance where she was watching the champions stretch and prepare for the task ahead.

"It looks like all our champions are ready for us to start the second task, which will start shortly on the blow of my whistle. From then they will have exactly one hour to retrieve the item that was taken from them."

Thea gave Cedric a thumbs up and mouthed good luck before turning her attention to the dark water where the merpeople lived. 

"I wonder what was taken from Cedric?" Max asked.

"I don't know. It would be funny if it was Cho or something, right?" Sadie joked.

"That would be so funny!" Marquis chuckled before looking at the timer as it started as Ludo's loud whistle blow echoed around them. 

Thea eventually grew more and more nervous as the minutes ticked on by, her legs shaking and her hands clutched at her face. The others each took it, in turn, to try and calm her down but nothing was working.

"Listen, Thea," Alexander said snapping his fingers in front of Thea's face in order to get her attention. "Cedric is going to be fine, you heard him, he has a plan. He promised you and Cedric never breaks a promise."

"True." Thea agreed, laughing nervously. 

The timer continued to tick down the minutes and after an hour still, no one had emerged yet. Thea was really starting to stress now. She was about to make a comment to Max when Cedric's head finally surfaced, pulling Cho behind him. 

"Well, look at that." Sadie laughed. "I was right. It was Cho." 

The rest of the group laughed along with her but Thea had already sprung up from her seat and made her way over to Cedric. Not caring that he was all wet despite the towel wrapped around him, Thea jumped up and gave him a huge hug.

"You did it! You did it!" Thea cheered.

"That I did. I told you I would don't I?" Cedric replied grinning.

"You did," Thea replied returning the grin. "How are you, Cho?"

"I'm good, thanks, Thea," Cho replied smiling politely despite her chattering teeth. "Although that was a bit of a very interesting experience."

"It would be." 

Viktor eventually arrived on the dock with Hermione in tow and helped her on to the dock. 

Fleur eventually returned empty handed and really upset. Thea tried to comfort her but couldn't understand what she was saying in her rushed, upset, French accent. The only one left was the youngest champion, Harry Potter.

"Cedric, did you see Harry at all?"

"I did, he was trying to save everyone, I did try to tell him to go but you know Harry, he didn't listen."

Thea clutched her hands together until her knuckles were almost white. 

"Come on, Harry," Thea whispered under her breath.

A sudden commotion in the previously peaceful water caused a student to call out and point to it. Ron's red hair was the first thing to appear and he pulled Fleur's younger sister, Gabrielle beside him. The two of them both safely reached the dock but Harry still hadn't emerged. 

Everyone stood around anxiously until Harry finally appeared, Thea exhaled quickly, she hated these events. 

Cedric was awarded the most points because he had arrived first even though it was outside the time limit. Harry's act of bravery had awarded him the second place which meant he and Cedric were tied in for first place, Viktor came a close second while Fleur was last. 

The final task would determine who would be the Triwizard champion and Thea couldn't wait for the next task to be over. 

By the time, Cedric and Thea arrived back at the Hufflepuff common room, a whole party had commenced congratulating their champion on his effort throughout the task. 

Cedric, after thanking everyone and grabbing food, found himself a spot by the fireplace and Thea joined him holding her own plate of food. 

"The second task, done. Huh?"

"Yeah. It's slightly hard to believe. One more task and then the summer holidays will be practically here again." Cedric replied. "We got another summer holiday of playing Quidditch again?"

"Of course." Thea grinned.

"It's weird to think of how quickly this year has gone," Cedric replied.

"Yeah. Well with all the tasks and stuff it's gone very quickly." Thea replied. "I'm just so ready for this tournament to be over."


"Well, so we can go back to some sort of normal around this castle and the fact that I would probably pass out or die from a heart attack if I had to go through another one of these tournaments."

"Well, one more task to get through, Thea," Cedric said chuckling. "One more left."

"Well if you try to stay alive in this tasks I might finally be able to relax."

"I will. I'll be fine, what about my promise that I'll be here for you forever."

"You better."

"I promise."

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