Chapter Five

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Thea was ready to go back to Hogwarts. The events of the holidays had taken a hold on her and her mother's protectiveness was driving her up the wall. She would be starting her sixth year this year. There was just this year and then the next before she would be expected to start making her own way through life. However, something exciting was happening at Hogwarts that year, she had overheard her parents discussing it with Molly and Arthur. Thea wasn't exactly known for her patience and had annoyed her parents to no end hoping to get an answer but every time they only smiled and told her that she would have to wait and see.

The Diggory's arrived at King's Cross Station trunks, animals and wands in tow. After quickly scanning the platform, Thea was glad to see Max talking with her parents. She hadn't changed that much after her time in Australia despite the smattering of freckles on her face seemed to have doubled. Thea said a quick goodbye to her parents accompanied with a hug before bounding over to the Lindsay's.



The two girls met in the middle, hugging each other and blurting out all of their news.

"Did you miss me?"

"Of course, I missed you like crazy. How was Australia?"

"It was amazing, to say the least, but I'll tell you more when we get the rest of the gang together. I don't want to say the same thing fifty times. Did you have a good rest of the summer, Thea?"

"Well, I suppose you know what happened at the Quidditch World Cup but other than that it has been intriguing."

"Yeah, I know the basics but you can tell me the rest later," Max whispered the last bit in her ear not wanting anyone to know that they were still discussing it. 

"Hello, Mrs and Mr Lindsay," Thea said after realising she hadn't said hello to Max's parents.

"Hi, Thea. Did you have a good break?"

"I did, thanks."

"No problem, dear, " Mrs Lindsay replied. "Where are your parents?"

"They are either saying goodbye to Cedric, talking to someone or politely making their way through the crowd," Thea said counting the different ways on her fingers.

"Don't be cheeky, Thea." Amos scolded her.

"Or they could be here right now."

After officially being aboard the Hogwarts Express, Thea and Max checked out all the compartments looking for the rest of their group. Thea had asked if they had seen Cedric but the last time they had seen Cedric was after he had said goodbye and was dragged off by Marquis. This really didn't help the duo at all though.

"Max! Thea!"

The two turned around to find Alexander struggling with five books in his arms.


"It's good to see you two as well." Alexander said awkwardly hugging them. A series of loud thuds scared the trio.

"Oops." Alexander muttered looking down at all the books that were now scattered all over the floor.

"Don't worry about it." Thea reached down grabbing all of the books and placed them in Alexander's arms just not so precariously.

"Thanks. Have you seen the others?"

"No. Besides seeing Cedric this morning of course."

"Of course. We should both be glad you found Max because we both know what she gets like with these trips." Alexander whispered.

"I can hear you both you know!" Max shouted her arms crossed.

"Way to make it obvious, Max." Thea rolled her eyes.

Everyone knew about Max's sarcastic tongue. It was something she had grown up with and despite it being annoying sometimes it was part of Max's personality.

"Whatever!" Max huffed, frustrated. "Can we just go find the others now?"

"Of course, it's good to be back," Thea replied.

The group quickly set out in search of the rest of their bunch and it didn't take long to hear the familiar swooning that came with Marquis wherever he went, Cedric's slight chuckle and Sadie's grumbling.

"Alright. Alright. You lot can talk to Marquis at the castle, now scatter." Sadie said grumpily.

"Whatever is the matter, Sadie? Dementor took all your happiness?" Max asked sarcastically watching as Sadie rolled her eyes and aimed a punch at her stomach.

"Where have you three been? We've been looking all over for you." Marquis asked.

"Same here," Thea said.

"You didn't answer my question, Thea. Where have you guys been?" Marquis said extra slowly.

"Oh! I don't know maybe on a train looking for you."

"Thea, dear. We don't want to get mummy dearest upset, do we?" Cedric said, grinning. "Especially after you promised you wouldn't get in trouble this year."

"Shut up," Thea replied, shoving him playfully.

"Anyway, how are all of you?" Alexander asked.

"Well, my summer was horrible." Sadie started after seeing everyone looking at her expectantly as she continued with her story. "Mum's finally decided that I have to start acting like a proper lady and it's driving me crazy. What's with the sudden change of heart? She even got as far as trying to get me to quit the Quidditch team."

After being met with sounds of protest, Sadie held up her hand to stop them.

"I know, I know. Don't worry I didn't allow it."

"You think your summer was bad?" Marquis asked Sadie.

"Yes. Yes, I do. 

"Well, that's nothing compared to my holidays."

"What happened, Marquis?"

"Let's say my parents are still not on the whole idea of me being gay and all. Yay for French families!" Marquis said with fake enthusiasm.

"That's awful, Marquis."

"It is, but I do always have fun flirting with the girls."

"Yeah, I still don't exactly know why you do that and all."

"Well it gets me off the radar and it's fun. The fact that they are all going to have their hearts broken when I do decide to reveal my sexuality is hilarious to me."

"You have a twisted brain, Marquis."

"Don't I know it."

The rest of the group just watched as Sadie and Marquis went back and forth. Not standing anymore of their craziness. Thea turned to Alexander asking him about the current books he was reading, while Max discussed the Quidditch strategies for the team in the upcoming season with Cedric.

Marquis and Sadie's argument came to a quick end after realising they have nothing to argue about and the topics they were arguing about were silly and ridiculous.

"Anyway, good luck." Marquis said to Sadie.

"Good luck for what?" She asked incredulously.

"For anytime you try to win an chess game against me."

"I won't be ever needing it, pinhead." Sadie countered. "If anyone needs luck it's you."

"Where on earth do you get your comebacks? The muggle internet? The library? Or do you just come up with them on your own?"

"You're dead, Elis."

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