Chapter Forty-Two

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Children played in the snow outside 12 Grimmauld Place, their shouts of glee reaching the people who huddled inside the house trying to gleam as much warmth from the fireplace as possible.

Arthur Weasley had healed enough in the halls of St Mungo's that he was able to return to his family at Grimmauld Place in time for Christmas. Molly had fluttered around the kitchen all morning, trying to make everything perfect for the day and the food laid out on the table, the aroma making everyone's stomachs growl.

Everyone eagerly awaited lunch but in the meantime, everyone swapped gifts wishing one another 'Happy Holiday'. Towards the end of the gift exchange, Molly Weasley hurried in handing everyone their gifts which were certainly knitted sweaters. Thea watched as all the Weasley children feigned different expressions of gratitude when it was probably the opposite when suddenly a similarly shaped package landed in front of her.

Checking that the tag was actually addressed to her, Thea ripped into the package revealing the knitted jumper that lay within. She pulled it out quickly, mouth falling agape in shock.

"Wow." Thea breathed admiring the intricate stitches. "But how?" Thea asked looking up to Molly Weasley.

"I did use a bit of magic, but I wanted you to have one, you deserve it. And after all, you are one of us now." Molly replied smiling.

"Thank you. Thank you!" Thea jumped up pulling Molly Weasley into a tight hug with Molly returning the hug but even tighter.

Thea pulled the jumper over her head, marveling at how quickly it seemed to warm her up.

The day just continued to get better. Lunch was delicious and Thea quickly got to know everyone a lot better.

Most of the days after Christmas was spent in the Weasley twins' company. Thea was still quite suspicious of their sudden kindness to her, well George anyway. However, after some very pointed advice from Sirius that she had to be trusting of new people, Thea tried her hardest. A childhood of rivalry hadn't shown Thea what nice people the two boys had grown up to be. They did ask her about her parents and brother but never pried too hard, being respectful and not pushing her if she didn't feel like it. Thea quickly learned about their hopes and dreams for the future, to start a joke shop. Thea had commented that they pretty much already had, their products were common place about Hogwarts, driving Umbridge insane, which just made it about ten times better. In turn they had asked her about her hopes and dreams. Thea honestly didn't know what she wanted to be, when she was younger she wanted to be an Auror or Healer at St Mungo's because she always wanted to do something that helped people or at least kept them safe.

As well as talking to the Weasley twins, Thea eventually made her way around to the other Weasleys, Hermione, and Harry in turn, getting to know all of them equally just as they all comforted her without being overbearing.

By the time, Thea returned to Hogwarts for the new term after the Christmas holidays, she had a support group of people who would do anything for her. George Weasley still remained her biggest supporter though, keeping his promise that he would do anything to see her smile again.

Thea walked into Hogwarts with the others but quickly separated from them as she headed towards the Hufflepuff table, a smile still plastered on her face much to the surprise of her former friends who sat in the usual spots towards the end of the table.

They had no clue of the sudden change in living arrangements but after seeing the state of Anne and Amos at the funeral, they all assumed that her parents couldn't be reason of her current state of happiness. It wasn't until Max had watched Thea as she seemed to be mouth something to someone across the hall and pointed it out to the others, that they had a small inkling to what was making the girl smile so much. George Weasley was mouthing absurd phrases across the room accompanied by weird faces meant to make Thea laugh. This continued for most of the meal as Max and the others watched.

Even after George walked with Thea to the Hufflepuff common room, creating an excuse that he wanted to go to the kitchens as well as pick up a payment from one of the Hufflepuffs of products that they had sold them. However, Thea didn't believe that at all, she was pretty sure, George only walked with her because Fred was busy and he was alone but she did still appreciate the company. Since telling her former friends that she didn't want to see them and that they didn't understand, she had been quite lonely. There were several awkward moments particularly in the dormitory and common room but Thea always spent as least time in those areas as possible.

However, Thea wasn't worrying about them anymore. She had a new family, a new support group and she was trying to be happy.

"So, Thea? Why did the chicken cross the road?"

"No," Thea replied.

"No what?"

"No, I'm not answering the question."

"Why not?"

"I've heard it a million times before."

"But I thought it was an eggcellent joke!"

"No!" Thea groaned holding her hands in front of her face.

"Okay, fine. Thea, why did the piece of gum cross the road?"

"I don't know, why?" Thea asked.

"Because it was stuck on the chicken's foot!"

Thea lost it, she was laughing so hard. Every time she was about to stop, she took one look at George's smug face and burst out laughing again.

Max and the others were walking a little behind Thea and looked up in shock when they saw the girl laughing.

"Well, I'm you showed everyone that you can smile, Thea." George said with a slight chuckle. "But I think it was loud enough to wake the dead."

"Shut up," Thea said with a smile.

"This is where I leave you, Miss Diggory," George said dramatically bowing.

"Off you go!" Thea said jokingly pushing George down the corridor.

When George turned around to wave goodbye, Thea had disappeared.

"That girl is seriously strange."

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