Chapter Twenty-Five

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Dear Theodora,

Your father and I hope you are very well. I heard from Cedric in his last letter that your best friends, Alexander and Max, are dating now! That must be very exciting. I always sensed the chemistry between the two, so I can also say that I called this one!

Speaking of Cedric hasn't he done so amazingly throughout this tournament. Your father and I are so proud of him. He did so well on the dragon task but his effort throughout the mermaid task was truly magnificent. We are coming to view the last task although I really don't know why I agreed to do that. It's going to be so nerve-wracking to wait for the results although I'm positive he is going to win.

I read a report in the daily prophet this morning regarding Harry Potter. Rita Skeeter really doesn't have very nice things to say about the boy although I can never true whether it is the actual truth or not. But despite the odds, the boy seems to be holding up quite well in the tournament although no one could ever beat our Cedric.

I got a very nice report from Professor McGonagall and have heard nice things from Cedric regarding your behavior. Apart from a detention earlier in the term, you have really turned things around and I'm really proud of you for it. I told you that you could do it! I'll make sure those lessons that the detention taught you will say ingrained in your mind over the summer.

Speaking of the summer, I assume we will have all of Cedric's and your friends at ours again. They seem to really enjoy our quidditch pitch.

I'll see you at the last task, hope everything goes well with your studies and exams.

Love from,

Anne Diggory

Thea sighed loudly causing Max to look over at her strangely.

"What was that about?"

"Just another letter from mum. She practically talked about Cedric the entire time and look didn't even sign herself off as mum, just 'Anne Diggory."

"I'm sorry, Thea. I seriously don't think your mum will ever learn."

"It's okay. I probably should write back to her though considering if I don't she will probably message Cedric about saying how awful of a daughter I am."

"You probably should do that."

Dear Mum,

I'm very happy to hear that you and dad are well. Yes, Alexander and Max are dating now they are very happy together and I'm so happy for them although it feels like I'm almost third-wheeling all the time now.

Cedric is doing so well in the tournament much better than I think anyone expected him to. He came to me soaking wet once he had figured out the mermaid task, he was so excited! Yeah, I'm not looking to the last task either although it will be great once it is all over! The castle has been so different this year with all the visitors, maybe this place can return to some sort of normal!

Harry is doing really well despite his age and his disadvantage against his other competitors. I think his friend, Hermione is really helping, and he has an amazing support group anyway!

Regarding my behavior honestly, mum do whatever you want! I honestly don't care! I just want to be able to have a nice summer where I can actually relax after one of the most stressful years of my life.

It's hard to believe that this time next year we will be practically graduating. It honestly can't come soon enough.

I'm pretty sure everyone is coming to ours again including Nina. I have to read and respond to her letter after I finish this letter. But I'm pretty sure she will be joining us this year, once Cedric wins the tournament we will have plenty of time to celebrate!

I've studied a lot and my exams are soon, but I feel pretty confident in all my subjects! If only I was Cedric, getting to miss out on exams would be great!

Love from,

Thea Diggory

P.S I'm not signing my name off as Theodora because I'm sorry, but I prefer Thea a lot more. So, if you could call me as Thea it would be very much appreciated. Thanks.

Max read Thea's letter over her shoulder and tutted once she had read how blunt Thea had been with her mother.

"Honestly, Thea. You complain about having such an awful relationship will your mum then you go ahead and do that."

"I can't help it, she just gets me all riled up and when she just constantly talks about how amazing Cedric is apart from a little bit at the end about my behavior and wishing me well on my exams. But seriously, Max I can't stand it anymore!"

"I know you can't," Max said. "Which is why I come up with a plan!"

"What's the plan?"

"I haven't come up with it yet! I'm thinking!"

Dear Nina,

It's been a while since my last letter and I suppose I don't really have a valid excuse or argument for it. I'm just busy studying for my upcoming exams and stressing constantly about Cedric and how he is going in this tournament.

He is going really well especially in the last task. Cedric came first despite arriving back on the dock after the time allocated. He and Harry are now tied for first place and they will get to start whatever the third task entails first. Viktor Krum is coming second, and your dear Fleur is coming last.

I mean I always said that Hogwarts is a much better school and you should have come here in the first place, but I can't blame you for your bad decision you made it and you have friends at Beauxbatons I hope but you would have more here! Ok, ok, I'll stop but you should have come to Hogwarts! I know I've said this for such a long time especially considering we are graduating next year!

Speaking of next year, we have those lovely long summer weeks to spend before we have to go back to school. What's your plan, are you coming back over to our place to spend another summer? I'm pretty sure everyone will be coming, and we can celebrate Cedric's eventual win, ok I'll stop, starting now.

Well, considering Max is starting to pack up her study materials and is urging me to finish this letter so we can go to dinner I probably should go!

Hope all is well at Beauxbatons. Hopefully, I'll see you this summer. Looking forward to your next letter.

Your friend,

Thea Diggory

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