Chapter Sixty-Three

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"Pardon?" Mrs. Weasley asked in shock.

"I asked if you had any scissors laying around the house so I could use them."

"What do you need them for?"

"Well," Thea started holding her hair out to show Mrs. Weasley and Tonks. "I think it might be time for a change."

"Are sure you want to do this, Thea." Mrs. Weasley asked, holding a pair of scissors in her hand, while the other hand resting on Thea's right shoulder, looking at the girl in front of her in concern. "It seemed like a sudden decision, are you sure you don't want to think through it."

"I'm sure, Mrs. Weasley. I've had long hair all my life, it's time for a change."

"That's probably a better reason not to cut it."

"Mrs. Weasley, if you don't want to cut it, I can do it myself or I can get Tonks to do it."

"Thea..." Mrs. Weasley started her hands running through my long locks, looking into my eyes in the mirror that she had set up in front of me. "I love your hair but after all, it's your head and your decision. And you are growing up as much as I don't want to admit it," She said with a slight chuckle, "you are certainly not that little girl who used to come over to enjoy my stews and ask for advice. So let's do this then."

Tonks came into Thea's field of vision, a bright smile on her face. "It's going to be so funny to see people's reactions, isn't it?"

"Most certainly," Thea replied, grinning as she prepared herself for the first snip, holding her breath as the scissors closed over her hair.

And it came...

Then the next one.

And the next one.

And the next one.

After raising so many children, Mrs. Weasley had gotten very used to cutting hair and quickly cut through Thea's hair, sending chunks of it spiraling down to the floor. Thea watched as Mrs. Weasley concentrated behind her and soon she was smiling at someone she didn't recognize sitting in front of the mirror.

Thea turned her head from side to side, marveling at how lighter her head felt. Her hair just brushed her shoulders, curling away from her face naturally.

"Wow." Thea breathed quietly.

"Do you like it?" Molly asked quickly, obviously holding her breath.

"I love it. Thank you so much, Mrs. Weasley."

"It was no problem, Thea. You look beautiful."

Thea blushed and was about to respond when she was interrupted by someone else entering the room.

"What is going on here?"

The three of them turned around to see Ron looking around the room, confused. He took one look at Thea before crying out in shock. "Mum! There's a stranger in our house!"

"It's okay, Ron. It's just me. It's Thea!"

The group returned from outside and settled down to enjoy another delicious meal that Mrs. Weasley had prepared. After getting over the initial shock of seeing Thea's new haircut, she had got many compliments saying that it suited her very well.

Eventually, Thea and Elliot decided to both head off and although they lived in separate houses, they decided to both leave together.

After Thea had said a hurried goodbye to everyone, wishing those who were returning to school soon, good luck as she wasn't sure that she would be able to see them off on September 1st and telling Tonks that she would see her soon when she got back as well, Thea headed out the back door to the apparition spot.

"I almost didn't recognize you in there!" Elliot claimed, nudging Thea slightly in the ribs. "Why the sudden change? I don't hate it, I'm just wondering."

"It was time for a change. I've had long hair all the my life and I'm a completely different person than I was a few years ago except for my hair so it needed to go."

"Well, I love it! It suits you!"

"Thank you-"

"Even though I thought you were an alien when I first walked through the door."

George Weasley sat on his bed in the flat above the shop, thinking through things. Fred had informed him of what had happened in the shop only a few days prior when his family had visited. He was so angry with himself that he had just missed getting to see Thea. He wanted to see that she was okay that she wasn't having any nightmares that kept her up all night, that she didn't need him to lean on her for comfort. And most of all he had missed her and had wanted to see her for so long.

And although they had only dated for a few months, George couldn't help but admit that he really was in love with her, although he never did get to tell her that or see if she felt the same way.

He was destroyed when she broke up with him, it had gotten to the point where he was having trouble sleeping, choosing to almost obsessively set things up in the shop at all times during the day and night.

It had gotten to the point where Fred extremely concerned for his brother had dragged him upstairs and forced a dreamless sleep potion down his throat just so he could actually sleep.

Working in the shop had certainly helped because every day was so busy and tiring it didn't leave much room to think of anything else. At the end of the day, he was even so tired that he would be able to go to sleep without thinking of anything. But it was the stuff that Fred noticed about his brother that had worried him the most.

George didn't talk to him about anything anymore, their twin dynamic had shifted. Even Molly Weasley who knew the twins better than anyone had picked up on it and had asked Fred about it in concern.

As much as deep down Fred was almost angry with Thea for making his twin brother like this, he couldn't blame her. It was clear when he had seen her a few days ago, she was hurting as well.

Which is why he vowed to himself that he would get those two back together.

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