Chapter One-Hundred-One

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Thea found herself battling the blonde Death Eater, each of her spells striking twice as hard as Thea found herself angry with everything they had done.

They had killed her brother, they were the reason that her parents couldn't even look at their own daughter, they were the reason behind why everything had happened, why so many families had been torn apart, family members killed. It was all their fault.

Ginny was down a little ways from her, battling her own battle. Thea couldn't get to her as the Death Eater seemed to try and push her down the corridor as they battled.

Thea's mind was whirring as she sent non-verbal spells in the Death Eater's direction and a never-ending stream of spells was shot her way.

However, Thea became distracted as they turned a corner, light still streaming from their wands. Her eyes found Elliot, struggling as he was fighting another Death Eater, Dolohov.

A shout of concern was making it's way up Thea's throat as she was about to intervene when a flash of green light made Thea's heart stop.

Fred and George were battling it out with their own Death Eaters. Percy had accompanied them and stood near also stuck in battle.

They could barely talk to each other, shout out words of warning as they all dealt out their own magic to their attackers. George had been forced to separate slightly from the two of them as the Death Eater he had been facing was pushing him down the hall also as they fought.

Fred had his older brother, Percy by his side as he continued to fight the Death Eater. Percy fought against his own boss, Pius Thicknesse, the Minister Of Magic, even though it was plainly obvious he was under the Imperius Curse.

Fred was just ready for the war to be over. He believed it had gone on for too long, placing everyone he cared about in danger. He just wanted to be able to go back to his and George's biggest achievement was Weasley's Wizard Wheezes where they could continue living the dream as well as continuing living just like they had planned together. It was never one or the other, it was always them. They had planned out their entire lives together and Fred wouldn't have it any other way. From there they would continue to create new products together as George and Thea would finally get to have their own fairytale and Fred would be the best man at their wedding. It was all planned out.

Fred had become distracted with his own thoughts causing the Death Eater he was facing to try and use that to his advantage as Percy's voice suddenly rang in his ear.

"Hello Minister, did I mention that I'm resigning?" Percy joked.

Fred's eyes went wide with shock. "You're joking, Perce! You are actually joking...I don't think I've heard you joke since you were-"

"Elliot!" Thea screamed, her voice full of emotion as a heavy pain sounded in her chest.

Momentarily forgetting about the Death Eater she was supposed to be fighting, Thea tried to run over to where Elliot landed on the floor with a loud thud. Seeing, that her opponent was rather occupied and already not liking how Thea had started to have the upper hand, the blonde Death Eater took it as an opportunity to scatter off.

Dolohov smiled wickedly as Thea as she tried to run over to Elliot, his wand raised threatening.

"Thea! No!" Ginny said breaking away from her own Death Eater and running over to Thea, stopping her from moving any more, her own wand raised towards Dolohov.

"Ginny! Let me go!" Thea shouted, struggling to get out of Ginny's tight grip. "I can handle him!"

"No, you can't, Thea. Not right now. It's what he wants you to do!" Ginny cried urgently as Thea fell limp in her arms, tears streaming down her face as the loss resonated with her.

However, suddenly Thea's head snapped up facing Dolohov, her wand raised as she uttered two words, as rage filled her body. "Avada Kedarvra!"

The explosion had shocked everyone who was in the area. George's ears were ringing loudly as the Death Eater he had been battling also ran off. He could barely see a few feet ahead of him as debris from the explosion had landed everywhere and the dust was still thick in the air.

"Fred! Percy!" George called out to his brother, fearing the worst.

"George?" Percy called out in return with Harry and Hermione also shouted the same.

"Fred?" Percy called urgently searching for either of his brothers desperately. 

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