Chapter Thirteen

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Well as it turned out, things got a whole lot worse...

"I'm so tired of these badges." Thea lamented to Max and Alexander one day.

The badges that read "Support Cedric Diggory---The Real Hogwarts Champion" in bright red letters and then changed colour to a foul green now reading "Potter Stinks."

These badges had made their way around the school quickly and now you almost couldn't walk through the corridors without seeing one.

"I agree, they are horrible," Alexander replied as the three watched as a group of Slytherins paraded down the corridor with the badges on full show.

Sadie fully believed that one of the Slytherins had created them and even sometimes walked around with one on. However, Thea didn't believe in house prejudice and didn't want to blame just one house for the horrendous badges because people from all houses were wearing them.

Thea had already had an argument with the girl about them. Despite Sadie being one of her best friends for so long she just couldn't understand why Sadie was so serious about all of this. Harry clearly couldn't put his name in the tournament and Cedric had politely asked several times for everyone to not wear the badges.

Thea walked down the hall averting her eyes every time she saw one of those horrible badges. Why couldn't everyone just be happy and peaceful instead of always against someone?



"How are you? You look certainly confused and concentrated at the same time. I didn't know that was possible."

"I'm okay. Just tired of these stupid, bloody badges."

"The 'Support Cedric Diggory---Potter Sucks!' ones?"


"What are you going to do about it?"

"I don't know besides asking everyone to stop wearing them. I've already tried that so has Cedric."

"I think you need to introduce me to Cedric?"


"Because of the whole reason of this tournament."

"To win?"

"My god, you are competitive," James said grinning. "But no, to make friends."

"Of course."

Max was wandering down the corridors, a stack of books tucked under her arm on her way to the library when she saw Thea and mystery boy sitting avidly discussing something.

"Hi, Thea? And?" Thea looked up surprised to see Max there.

"James Duerre. It's nice to meet you."

"Max Lindsay. Same. I'm a good friend of Thea's and she was supposed to come to the library with me but she is welcome to just stay here if she wants."

"Or you could join us, Max?" Thea asked. "We were just discussing about those awful badges and what we could do."

"I have an idea."

Max and Thea's previous plans of going to the library might not have happened when Max found Thea with James but now the three of them were crouched behind a statue waiting for the perfect moment.

"We just have to wait until a group of people with the badges walk past."

"Okay. You don't mind telling us what the plan is?"

"Just wait and see but I assure you it will get rid of these awful pins."

Fred and George were casually walking through the corridor not pranking anyone for the first time in forever when they spotted Max, Thea and a Durmstrang boy crouched behind a statue. Upon seeing Max, Fred's smile widened slightly.

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