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No-one really knew how everyone would cope after the war was over. People had gotten so good as adapting death and destruction into their everyday lives that it seemed strange to only have happy news in the Daily Prophet over the next few weeks.

Most of the headlines involved Harry Potter and variations of the typical title 'Harry Potter Saves Us All from You-Know-Who!' It stayed that way for a long time while the Wizarding World rejoiced.

However, not everyone was rejoicing. Even though Harry had saved the Wizarding World, it didn't mean that it was without loss and sacrifice.

So many innocent people had lost their lives while others would be forever traumatized by the Muggle-born registration committee as well as other aspects of the war.

Thea did retreat a bit back into the depressive and vegetative state she had been like after Cedric's death. She was suffering horribly from nightmares and often couldn't fall asleep at night because of her fears. However, she forced herself to get out and about, refusing to let herself fall completely back into the state where she would sit in her room and not do anything for weeks. As a direct correlation to this, Thea often spent her days walking around in the community near her family home.

The Diggory Family home was very near to the Burrow only a few streets away, but Thea didn't want to interrupt as the Weasley family was dealing with their own grief.

It took a lot of effort each day for Molly Weasley to even get out of bed. She had lost her son and had failed to protect him. She had stopped cooking and could barely look at anyone else in fear that they would remind her of Fred.

Arthur Weasley tried to get on with his life while looking after his wife and other children, but all hope had left him. His interest in muggle culture was gone, everything had been ruined.

Ginny Weasley didn't talk even to Harry or Thea. She just stayed still, her face void of emotion as she follows everyone else around during their daily lives. However, she always remembers to leave a small plate of food by George's bed even though seeing her brothers pains her.

Percy Weasley forced himself not to ever make another joke ever again, he's afraid that someone else will get hurt. He distanced himself once again from his family, putting all his effort into his work once again, trying to forget the last laugh that would be forever etched on his younger brother's face.

Ron Weasley holds back on all his emotions when he is around his family and friends, trying to pretend everything was normal but no one ever sees what happens behind closed doors. Ron cries and cries and cries.

George Weasley refuses to get out of bed. He faces the wall unable to look at the empty bed beside him. He doesn't sleep, for the fear of nightmares as well as the fact that Fred isn't sleeping beside him. His mind sometimes drifts to Thea, about how she is going but it doesn't last long as the overwhelming feeling of grief turns his world upside down again.

For a few brief moments, Thea had entered the house to hand over home-cooked meals for the family to enjoy because Molly wasn't cooking.

Her parents had had a sudden improvement during their healing progress. Anne Diggory had started to cook again and most of the things she ended up cooking went to her daughter who then passed them on to the Weasley family. Amos Diggory was started to act like his old self again while returning to his familiar books and reading them non-stop.

Despite the loss of life and destruction that had happened during the war, it did mean that without the sacrifices Thea would be able to see her parents slowly recover, returning back to their old selves while never forgetting the loss of their son.

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