Chapter 1

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Adesua's POV
I got up early in the morning feeling strange. Something wasn't right. I looked at my wristwatch and realised that the time quarter to ten. I jumped out of bed immediately. Everything was quiet. I could not hear a sound.
On most days, my mum would be the one to drag me out of bed especially when I was really enjoying my sleep.
I slowly walked to the bathroom to take my bath. That was when it hit me.

Today was my birthday.

How had I forgotten?

More importantly, how had everyone else forgotten too?

I put on of my favourite dresses and went downstairs to watch TV. I was surprised to see that the living room was dark and quiet. The curtains were dark in colour so you couldn't tell if it was day or night.
I walked carefully so as not to trip on anything in the dark. I was trying to find the light switch. As I turned on the light, I heard someone scream SURPRISE.
I looked up and was surprised to see a beautifully decorated sitting room. I had no idea that they were planning a surprise  party for me.

And I was thinking that they forgot my birthday.

My sisters came to hug me and scream happy birthday in my ear.

The whole house was packed before I knew it with my friends from school and church.

My parents had three daughters: Daphne, Esther and I. I was the last child but my parents never pampered me the way I would have wanted them to.
To be honest, it was the best birthday I'd ever celebrated.


Later that day, I was chatting with my friends on WhatsApp when I heard my name. I knew something was wrong because of the tone of the voice.
I dropped my phone on my bed and went downstairs to answer my mum. I saw them sitting on the same chair which had never happened before.

I knew something was really wrong  then because they were talking in hushed tones.

" Mummy, you called me." I said
" Yes my dear. Adesua, we wanted to let you know that as from next term, you will start attending a boarding school in Ibadan."
  Did I hear her right?

A boarding school? In Ibadan of all places?

" What is the name of the school? " I asked
" Lawrence High School. " my mum replied

  I was in shock. Was she talking right?
Me? In Lawrence High School?
" Adesua, are you okay?"  my mum asked
" Yes." I lied
" Go and make a list of everything you'll need to take along with you  and let me have it by tomorrow. " my father said and I nodded.

My life was officially over

" You are leaving for Ibadan next week. " I heard my dad say as I turned to leave.
No, I still had a week and a half left of holiday. Why had they chosen to send me away? Neither of my sisters had lived in the hostel when they were in secondary school. Why was I the first and the only one to be sent away?
I nearly cried myself to sleep that night.

Next day

I woke up to find my eldest sister sitting beside me.
" Sister Daphne, what are you doing in  my room so early?" I asked
" Naughty girl. You can't greet abi?"
She replied
" Okay. Good morning. "
" Hope you slept well? " she asked and I nodded.
Despite the things that happened last night, I was still able to get a good night's sleep.
" I heard what mum and dad said to you yesterday. I know that you don't want to go but it is for your own good. They have made up their minds and you can't make them change it. They want the best for you and that is why they are sending you to LHS. I heard it is one of the biggest schools in Ibadan.   You'll have so much fun and make new friends. " she said

Friends indeed.

As if I don't have enough already

" But I don't want to go. I love my life here and I'm not ready for any interruptions right now. They ruined my birthday for me." I protested

Daphne shook her head." Adesua, they are your parents. You have to do what they say. We are in Africa for crying out loud. "
" Hmm " I said
" What do you mean by that?" Daphne asked
" Nothing " I replied
" Hurry up and go and take your food before it gets cold. " she added and got off my bed.
I wasn't too keen on eating but the aroma from the kitchen was enough to make me change my mind.
I hurriedly had my bath and brushed my teeth. I dashed downstairs immediately. I could not miss my favourite food of jollof rice and chicken.
  I got to the dining table and I began to wonder if I was in the right house. My mum had prepared a feast. I could see jollof rice, fried rice, fried chicken,  grilled chicken, salad, turkey, scones..
Where had she found the time to make all of these?
My mouth began to water then so I decided to help myself.
My mum came out of the kitchen just then. I dropped the plate I was holding and greeted her. She smiled at me and patted my hair which reminded me that I needed to make my hair before I travel.
  She told me to get ready and that I was going to follow her to the market.
I made a face and she laughed.
" Don't worry. I'm taking you to shoprite. You should have seen your face." She said and I was relieved
I returned to my food and she went back into the kitchen.
I smiled to myself as I started eating.
What was Lawrence High School going to be like?

Hi guys,
That was the first chapter. I hoped you enjoyed reading. More chapters on the way. Don't forget to click that little star. All comments are appreciated.

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