Chapter 29

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Oba's POV

I was really shocked when I found out that Debo and Gabriella were dating. I mean, how could he do this to Akin? Akin was really hurt when he found out that Debo was dating his ex-girlfriend. They haven't spoken to each other and it's beginning to get annoying in the room.

It used to be just the three of us,right before girls came into the picture. Anyway I have a girlfriend and she's Debo's ex-girlfriend, Tolu.

Yes, you heard right or read right I mean. It just kinda happened. She was hurting when Debo broke up with her and I was there for her so we clicked.

Thankfully, Debo and I didn't get in a fight about Tolu and I dating.
The thing is,all the seniors in SS3 and SS2 know what is going on and they are talking about it. I was about to give up on my two best friends when an idea suddenly popped into my head.

I wasn't sure it would work but it was the only option I had right now. I had to make it work. I smiled to myself as I slept off.

Next day

I put my plan into action immediately I woke up. I sent one of the juniors to call Adesua for me. She came out about five minutes later.

"What do you want? " she asked

"Nothing much. I just wanted to know if you were okay."

"I am fine. Why are you asking? "

"Because of Debo and Gabriella "

" To be honest, I'm not totally comfortable with it but she's my best friend and I need to be happy for her."

"Okay, I actually wanted to hook you up with Akin."

"What? Why would you want to do that? "

"You have no idea what I've been going through this past week. Debo and Akin are driving me nuts in the hostel. "

"Okay, does Akin know about this? "

"Not yet, but I plan on telling him later today. So are you in?"

"Maybe, if Akin agrees to it."

"Thank you very much "

"It's okay. Just get back to me when you finish talking to Akin."

( Later in the evening)

Akin,Debo,Tolu and I were seated at our usual table in the dining hall. The table was filled with silence that I had to break.

"Come on ,you guys should stop fighting already. It's taking too long already." I said

"Guys,there's something I need to tell you. "Debo said, dropping his cutlery

I looked up at him and Tolu and Akin.

"Akin, I'm really sorry for everything. The truth is Gabriella and I aren't exactly dating. The other day you saw us kissing in the library, it was my fault. She was shouting at me and I needed to calm her down. The real reason why we are dating is because I needed her to make Adesua jealous. I hope you can forgive Gabriella even if you can't forgive me  because none of it was her fault. "

Has Debo gone crazy ni?

Hi guys,so this is the next chapter.  I hope you enjoyed reading.
So Debo was just using Gabriella again?

What should we do to him?

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