Chapter 44- Moment of truth

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Gabriella's POV

I wasn't expecting this at all. What was he doing here? I was so surprised that I didn't notice him walking towards us.

Great,what was he want now?

"Hey" he said when he got to where we were standing.

So you still have mouth to talk abi?

"What do you want? "I asked

"I came here to talk to you." He replied

Talk? To who?

"You already broke up with me and you made it clear that you didn't want to have anything to do with me again so what do you want now? I don't even know what I was doing with you in the first place. I mean,how could I have been so stupid? You used me twice yet I didn't say anything. Later,when you confessed your feelings for me,I thought you had changed. Turns out that you have not." I said and I was about to walk away but Akin pulled me back.

"Gabby, please hear him out." He pleaded

"Fine "

We all went to the dining hall so we could have somewhere to sit.


Akin's POV

Okay so Gabby was really fuming right now and I was still trying to get her to calm down. I understood how she was feeling right now.

"Can someone please explain what Debo is doing here? " Adesua asked, all of a sudden

"Okay,first of all,I want to know why you and Gabby aren't speaking to each other." I said

"Fine. When Debo broke up with her,she was really devastated and I kept telling her to forget about him and move on that he wasn't worth it. I was telling her that he had changed and he was no longer the Debo I knew. No matter how much I tried to talk to her,she wouldn't listen to me. I'm sure you know that Debo and I used to be best friends until we got separated. I really don't know why he changed all of a sudden. " Adesua explained

Debo's POV

I was really distraught after I broke up with Gabriella and I knew she was really mad at me judging from she sounded when she spoke with me. I knew I had wronged her so I came to apologise.

"Gabby, " I began but Akin cut in

"Hey why are you calling her Gabby? Only I get to call her Gabby. " he said

"I've been wondering why you are the only one who gets to call her Gabby. " Adesua said, turning to face Akin.

Ghen then

"Gabby is a very special person to me and I've known her for a long time and I think I've earned the right to call her a special name that's different from what everyone else calls her." Akin replied

"Now that that's over with,can I get back to what I was saying? " I asked

"Sure" Adesua said, rolling her eyes

"Thank you. As I was saying, Gabby, I'm really sorry for breaking up with you but I have my reasons for doing what I did. I'm really insecure and I think you deserve someone better than me. Breaking up with you was one of the hardest things I've ever had to do in my entire life but I think it's for the best. I just came here today to explain myself. Once again, I'm really sorry. " I said, standing up

"Where are you going?" Gabriella asked all of a sudden

"I'm leaving for France tonight and I need to get to the airport as soon as possible. " I replied

"Let me see you off then." She said

"Are you sure about this? " I asked again and she nodded

We left the dining hall and got to the car a few minutes later

"So I guess this is goodbye. "I said, opening the car door

"For now" she replied

"I hope you can forgive me "

"Sure,why not?"


"Yes" she replied, hugging me. "Have a nice flight. " she added,planting a kiss on my cheek

Adesua's POV

I didn't understand what was going on with Akin right now because it seemed like he still had feelings for Gabriella.

I decided to summon courage and find out if it was true or not once and for all.

"Akin,can I ask you a question? "

"Sure,what is it?"

"Are you still in love with Gabriella? "


Hey guys so we only have one more chapter to go. A big thank you to everyone who has been reading and voting so far.

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Till next time 💓

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