Chapter 2

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I looked at my scattered room. My things were scattered here and there all in the name of packing.
" So what's next on the list? " Esther asked
" I can't believe that mum got everything I asked for." I replied
" Is that what I asked you? Abeg look for the list so we can finish packing these things."
" Found it. It remains my Milo,milk,  cornflakes,and golden morn. " I replied
" Food. That is the only thing she knows."
" See who is talking. Who finished the cake mummy bought yesterday? " I fired back
" Ehen, so you have mouth to talk? Don't worry,  I know how to deal with you." She said
I smiled. We finished packing about two hours later and went downstairs for dinner which happened to be pounded yam and vegetable soup. I finished eating and was about to go upstairs when my mum called me back and told me to go and wash the plates in the kitchen.
  Not again
I hurriedly washed the plates and ran to my room before she could call me again.
  I locked myself inside so that no one would disturb me. I opened my phone  and began to check my messages on WhatsApp. I posted on my status that I was going to Lawrence High School  and within seconds, my friends started sending me messages.

When are you leaving?

I replied some of the messages but I couldn't reply all because I was very tired. I couldn't believe I was leaving for Lawrence High School tomorrow.

I woke up early the following morning. We were to leave the house by seven. I checked my phone. It was just 4:45. I didn't want to be late. I got ready in thirty minutes. I knew that if I spent a minute longer getting ready, my dad would leave me at home.
Yes, my dad was like that.
My phone rang just then. I picked it and was surprised to see the caller.
"Hello. Nifemi, why are you calling so early in the morning? " I said in a hushed voice so as not to wake anybody up.
" Ibadan girl how are you? "
I laughed.
" Nifemi,if I catch you ."
" So you want to leave us here in Lagos and enjoy Ibadan alone.  Well done ma."
" Excuse me, I beg your pardon. " I said and she laughed
" Someone cannot play with you again. "
" Na you sabi. Anyway,  why did you call? " I asked
" I wanted to tell you something important. "
" Say it "
I was eager to hear what she wanted to say but she kept quiet.
" Nifemi, are you still there?"
" Yes. I was thinking of how to tell you"
" Tell me what? "
" Do you remember Debo?"
" Which Debo?" I asked
" The same Debo. Adebowale Williamson. He's attending Lawrence High School too." She blurted out
I was in shock. Did I hear her right?
My mind went down memory lane. Debo and I had been friends for over eight years until he left two years ago. We had been really close before he left and I had liked him. So he had moved to Ibadan?

" Adesua, are you still there? "
" Yes."
" Adesua, you should be happy. You've had a crush on him for three years now and you got so bummed when he disappeared. Now you can finally see him again. "
    I sighed.
    Happy about what?
I didn't want to hear anything else about Debo so I hung up and threw my phone on my bed.
My thoughts were interrupted by a knock on my door. I was expecting to see my dad but it was just Esther.
" You have already dressed up? I need to take a shower." She said, letting out a loud yawn.
" Be fast with it. I don't want to be late."


We started taking my things downstairs one after the other.
" Adesua, what did you pack inside this bag? It is too heavy. " she said, dragging a bag down the stairs.
We ended up leaving the house at eight because my dad overslept.


The drive to Ibadan was a long one and I slept throughout it . I woke up when I felt someone tapping my shoulder.  It was my mum.
" Wake up. We are almost at your school. " she said and I woke up immediately.
My mind went back to what Nifemi had told me earlier.
Was it really true?

Only one way to find out.

We reached my school about thirty minutes later.

I have to admit,  the view was breathtakingly beautiful.

Esther and I brought my luggage out of the car while my mum and dad met with the house mistress to sign me in.
The house mistress called a girl to take us to my new room. The girl also helped us with some of the luggage and I was really grateful.
The room had four bunk beds in it and eight lockers. I picked a bed that was close to the window and chose the lower bunk.
I went back to the car to say goodbye to my parents and sister before they left. It suddenly dawned on me that I was alone.
I was walking back to my room when I saw a girl waving at me.
" Hey, are you the new girl in deborah's room?" She asked with a smile
I nodded.
" Nice to meet you. I'm Gabriella and you are "
" Adesua " I replied. " Are you in deborah's room too?" I asked
" Yes. It feels so good to finally have another senior in the room. " she replied
" How did you know I am a senior?" U asked again
" Mrs Jackson told me. She's our house mistress. What class are you in?"
" SS2. You?"
" SS2 too. Come with me, I'll show you around" she offered and I accepted
She showed me the library, the toilets, the dining hall and the boys hostel which was quite far from the girls hostel.
A bell rang just then and we went back to our room to pick our cutlery before heading to the dining hall for dinner.
Dinner was rice and stew with beef. Gabriella and I sat together while she introduced me to some of the other girls in the hostel.
I finished eating and was about to leave when I heard someone call my name.
" Adesua Wilson? Is that you?"

Was that?

No it couldn't be

I turned around and our eyes met.

It was him.

The one and only Debo Williamson

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