Chapter 40

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Demilade's POV

So I still can't believe I only have one year of secondary school left.

How time flies.

Our Gce exams were only a week away and I still wasn't prepared. Fortunately, I was starting with Further Maths which happens to be my favourite subject.

I haven't really spoken to Adesua lately although I overheard that she is dating Akin now.

How did that happen?

I really don't care because I gave up on her a long time ago. I just hope he doesn't break her heart like Debo did.


Our Gce exams came and went pretty quickly. I was already tired of reading and I still had my UTME and WAEC examinations next year.

God,how was I going to survive this?

School resumed for first term two weeks after the end of our Gce exams. I wished we were still on holiday. Our teachers were putting so much pressure on us especially after we our Gce results came out and most of us failed.

All of us except Gabriella had F9 in Chemistry. Also, she was the only one who didn't have F9 in any of her subjects. I wonder how she does it.
Me,even the Further Maths I thought I knew, I got a D7 in it.

Our teachers didn't take it lightly with us after seeing our results. We failed woefully.


It was Tuesday and we were expecting Mr Daniel. We had already finished assembly and it was almost nine o'clock and he was nowhere to be found. I was already jubilating at nine o'clock that he wasn't coming again when I saw his motorcycle pass through the front gate.

I alerted the rest of my classmates and we disappeared from the class within seconds. I had never seen all of us move that fast. We scattered around and looked for different places to hide.

Long story short,a teacher found all of us and asked us to go back to our class.

Mr Daniel later asked us why we ran away from the class but nobody answered him which I was happy about.


Okay guys so I decided to fulfil my promise and give you guys a double update.

I have a little announcement to make: everything I wrote in this chapter happened in real life.

Also, I noticed that you guys haven't started reading my book, Meant to be.

Please please please add it to your library. I'm begging. I will post the next chapter of this book tomorrow if you guys check out my book.

Thank you for reading.

Precious-bee loves you all 💞💞

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