Chapter 6

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Gabriella's POV

It was Tuesday and it was time for fellowship. I had just remembered that I was going to preach and I had not prepared for it.

I quickly took out my bible and tried to find a simple topic to preach on. Adesua entered the class just then.

" Are you not going out for fellowship? " she asked

" I'm coming. I just remembered that I am supposed to preach today. What are you doing here?"

" I forgot my bible in my locker so I came back for it. Have you picked a topic yet?"

" No I'm so confused. I was actually dozing off before you came in."

" Okay just preach on the ten commandments or the beatitudes."
" Thank you but I think I'll just preach on the story of Joseph. "I said, writing down some passages.

" Okay,pastor Mrs." She said jokingly and was about to leave the class when I asked her to wait for me.

Fortunately and unfortunately for me, I didn't have to preach because a teacher punished Adesua and I for coming late.

Adesua was angry with me for getting her into trouble and she didn't want to talk to me. Senior Debo noticed that something was wrong and he asked me what was going on.

" Hey Gabby, what's up with you and Adesua?" He asked

" And how is it your business? "

" And is it me you are talking to like that? Have you forgotten that I'm your senior?"

" I'm sorry. I'm in a bad mood right now and I don't feel like talking. " I said

I was about to leave when he pulled me back. I couldn't believe what he did next.

He kissed me. On the lips.

" Why did you do that?" I asked

" I'm sorry but I had to get your attention. I've missed you. "

I blushed inwardly.

" Look Debo,what happened between you and I was a mistake. I liked you but that was in the past. I've moved on and I believethat you have done so. Now if you'll excuse me, I have somewhere to get to. " I said and walked away

Ugh, he could be so frustrating at times.
For the first time this term,I walked back thehostel alone.

I was fuming with anger and I really wanted to be alone.

I had just gotten to the hostel when my phone rang. I checked the caller ID  and saw that it was Debo.

" What do you want? " I asked

" Look, I wanted to apologise for what happened earlier. I wasn't myself. It was a mistake and I'm really sorry."

I didn't bother answering. I just cut the call and jumped on my bed. I started crying without even knowing why. I didn't know if I still liked him or not. He had just broken up with Tolu and she was threatening every girl he showed interest in.

The truth was, Debo and I had dated last summer but things hadn't worked out so we broke up. I was lost in my thoughts and I didn't notice when Adesua came in. It wasn't until she came to tap my shoulder that I realised that she was in the room. I noticed that she was soaked and I wondered why.

" Why is your uniform wet?"I asked

" It started raining when I was walking to the hostel."

" Sorry,let me help you get a change of clothes." I said,getting up from my bed. I wanted to make up for what I did to her. She changed her clothes and put on a sweater.

" Oya let's talk." She said immediately she was done changing her clothes.

" About what?"

" Oh come on. I met you crying when I came in. What's going on?"

I  was contemplating whether to tell her the truth or not when I heard her next statement.

" Don't think of lying to me. " she said

How did she know?

" Is it about a boy? " she asked and I nodded

" I knew it had to be something that serious else you wouldn't cry like this. So who is the unlucky jerk so we can deal with him in school tomorrow? "
I smiled to myself.

She had changed.

A lot.

" Adesua, there's something I've been meaning to tell you. " I said

" Shoot."

" Last year..."

" Go on, I want to know everything. "

" Senior Debo and I.........."

" You what?"

" We dated but we broke up after a fight and after school today he kissed me and right now I'm not sure if I still like him or not."

She laughed when I was done.

" Why are you laughing? "I asked

" Gabriella, I know everything that happened between you and Debo last year." She replied and I stared at her in shock.

" Who told you?" I asked

" Who else?"

I almost fainted.
Took me quite some time to update. I want to appreciate everyone reading this book and thanks for 100+ reads.

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