Chapter 43

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Akin's POV

I was very tired. I had been working on this assignment all morning and my efforts were proving fruitless. I was about to throw my book at the wall when my phone rang.

I chose the caller ID. It was Gabby.

Why was she calling me all of a sudden? We hadn't spoken to each other since July last year. I reluctantly answered the call because I didn't feel like talking to anyone right now.

Akin: Hello?

Gabriella: Hey Akin,it's Gabriella. Do you have a minute?

Akin: No

Gabriella: Please, I really need to talk to someone right now.

Akin: What happened to Adesua?

Gabriella: We had an argument and we are not speaking to each other.

Akin: Okay,what do you want?

Gabriella: Debo and I broke up

I was shocked

Akin: What? Why? What happened?

Gabriella: I don't know (sniffs)

Akin: Are you crying?

Gabriella: No (sniffs)

Akin: Okay, please stop crying. He's not worth it. You'll find someone better. You know what?

Gabriella: What?

Akin: I'll come and see you next week.

Gabriella: Really?

Akin: Yh. I was going to ask you to let Adesua know but I remembered that you said that you two are not on speaking terms.

Gabriella: It's okay. I'll explain everything to you next week.

Akin: Great,see you then.

I hung up and heaved a sigh. What was I getting myself into? I was with Adesua but it felt like I still had a soft spot for Gabby in my heart.

I also felt bad for that Debo broke up with her at this time,right before the start of her Waec examinations.

I needed to see her and talk to her to prevent her from doing anything crazy.

I really didn't know Adesua was going to take this but for Gabby's sake, I hope she didn't take it the wrong way. That girl is a lot to handle when she's angry.


Gabriella's POV

I was really glad to have someone to talk to. Ever since my parents died nine years ago, I had been lonely. That was until Adesua came to this school.

When I told her that Debo and I broke up,she flared up and kept going on and on about how she had warned me that this was going to happen.

I was really heartbroken right now because I loved Debo so much and yet he broke my heart. I decided to brush it off and prepare for my Waec examinations which were only two weeks away.

I sighed as I tried to focus on the Biology textbook I was reading. I was tired but I couldn't stop reading because I had a lot to cover.


( Three days later)

I was walking to the dining hall when I heard someone screaming my name. I turned around and was surprised to see Akin.

I thought he wasn't coming until next week.

"Akin,what are you doing here? I thought you weren't coming until next week ." I said, going to hug him

"Well,we're on a break so I thought I'd come say hello to my two favourite girls in the world." He replied

"Okay then. It's so nice to see you."

"By the way,where's Adesua? "

"She should be in the hostel."

"Okay,so what's going on? Wait,I need to talk to both of you. Can you send someone to call her?"

"I guess"

I saw Taiwo a few metres away from where Akin and I were standing so I asked her to please call Adesua for us and she agreed

To my surprise, she came out a few seconds later and ran to hug Akin. I felt a bit jealous, I have to admit.

"Hey babe,how have you been? " he asked

"I'm good and you?"

"Same. So what's going on between you and Gabby? I heard you're not speaking terms."

Just as she was about to reply,a car drove into the premises. We all turned to stare at the intrusion.

Damn,the car was fine.

The driver door opened and out came the person I least expected to see at that moment.

Debo Williamson.


Hello guys, so here's another chapter. Can't believe this story is coming to an end soon.

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