Chapter 18

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David's POV

Two weeks later, Atinuke had befriended all the popular girls in SS3. She was even friends with senior Tolu, the most popular girl in school.

Well, she was only popular because her father owned the school and also because she was senior Debo's ex-girlfriend.
All the seniors heard about what happened between him and Adesua. It was the only thing everyone was talking about.
And by everyone, I mean those of us in the hostel.

I looked around for Adesua and saw her sitting down with her head on the table. I smiled to myself as our Mathematics teacher, Mr Tony walked in.

Dang it

I had forgotten to do my maths assignment and it was due today.
I'm going to be in trouble once he finds out that I didn't do my assignment.

"Good morning sir "we chorused

"Good morning. Why is your class so scattered this early morning? "

Because it's Monday. Duh

"It's like you people are not ready for this class."

Of course not. Who is ever ready for maths class especially after an awesome weekend?

" I am sorry for you people. You people are just here wasting your time. Anyway, if you are not ready for this class,feel free to leave."

I'd be happy to do that.

Just settle down. Somebody should come and clean the board. Where did we stop in the last class? "

"Sir,you were about to start statistics in the last class. " Nifemi replied

" Sir, you gave us ass..." she was about to say assignment but I kicked her under the table before she could finish her sentence.
It was a good thing we were seat partners or I wouldn't have been able to do that.

Twenty minutes later, Mr Tony left the class when the proprietor asked to see him. I was overjoyed to hear that because it was a staff meeting and those meetings usually took forever.

I sat down with the boys and we started talking about the match between Arsenal and Chelsea last night.

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