Chapter 19

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Adesua's POV

I heard the boys arguing about football at the back of the class and I shook my head.

Boys and football. Two things that cannot be separated.

" Hey"

I looked up and saw that Gabriella was sitting on my table.

" What do you want? I want to sleep jare." I asked

" Valentine's day is next week." She said

" So?" I asked, raising an eyebrow.

" Well,we usually have a dance party on Valentine's day every year. Seniors only."

"Remind me when you joined this school again."

"JSS2. So what are you going to wear?"

" I'm not going." I said

" Come on. It will be fun. Besides it is compulsory that you go and you also need to bring a date, if you find one."

"A date? Really?"

" Sure. So who do you have in mind?"

" Hmm." I said, pretending to think hard and she started laughing

" What about Demilade? "She asked

" Don't even go there. You know that he's the reason why Debo and I broke up in the first place. "

" It doesn't matter. He really likes you. I think you should give him a chance. "

" No way. I don't want to talk about him or to him right now. "

" Too late. He's coming this way. See you later." She said,giving me a wink.


"Hi" he greeted with a smile. "Can I sit beside you?"

"Sure." I replied and he sat down beside me.

"What do you want?" I asked

" I was wondering if you'd like to go to the dance with me. "

Did he just ask me that?"

" Sure,why not?" I replied with a shrug

" Thank you." He said and went back to his seat.

"So what did he say? " I looked up and saw Gabby staring at me.

"He just asked me to the dance and I said yes. "

" OMG,you two are going to make Debo very jealous. "She squealed

"Yeah whatever. Anyway, who are you going with to the dance? " I asked

She shook her head." I don't know.  Guys just don't seem to like me. I think I'll go alone."

"And you were hell bent on finding me a date. Now I'm going to find you one."

"How do you intend to do that? I'm pretty sure that........."

I didn't hear the rest of what she said and she stopped talking because someone called her name.
I looked in the direction of the caller and was surprised to see Debo standing in the middle of our classroom.

What was he doing here?

" Gabby, can I talk to you for a second? "He asked  standing in front of her."
"Sure, what is it?"
What did he just say?
     Gabriella was just standing there looking shocked. I could tell she wasn't expecting this at all. She looked at me just then and I nodded, urging her to say yes.
     She nodded slightly and he muttered a silent 'thank you" . I smiled as I watched him leave.

" So Gabriella, what was that about? "

"Why did you make me say yes to him? He's your ex for crying out loud. "

"I know but I think he has a thing for you. "

"Maybe. He told me so last night."


I was shocked

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