Chapter 12

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Adesua's POV
I almost dropped my phone on the floor. Did I hear him right? Gabriella noticed the change in my mood.

" Adesua,are you okay? What's wrong? " she asked

I dragged her out of the room.

" Adesua, what's up with you? Why did you suddenly drag me out of the room? "

" Don't scream but he just told me that he loves me." I replied

" OMG, Adesua this is great news. Why did you tell me not to scream?"

" Because he's your ex-boyfriend. "

" Whatever. You need to go and see him now."

" As in, right now? "

" No o, next year. Go jor and if he pops the question, say yes o." She replied and went back to the room.

Did he really mean what he just said?

Well, only one way to find out.

I went to the main door of the hostel and I was surprised to find out that he was still there.

" Were you waiting for me?" I asked

" I knew you were going to come out  so I decided to wait for you. " he replied

" Okay what do you want?"

" You"

" You've said that before. Last year."

" I wanted to ask you something. It's about Chemistry. "

Seriously, what type of chemistry?

" What about Chemistry?

" Ha, you fell for it. "

" Be serious, I have things to do. "I said, pretending not to be interested in what he was saying.

He took my hand and pulled me close to him. I could feel my heart racing. My stomach filled with butterflies.

" Adesua, I meant what I said. I love you and I want you to be my girlfriend. So what do you say?"


Did he just ask me out?

My childhood sweetheart

Yes, yes,yes

" Debo, I need sometime to process this. "

" No you don't. I know you like me too."

" How did you know? "

" You just said it now."

I'm so stupid

" Seriously, how did you know?" I asked

" Gabriella told me."

" Oh God, why would she do that? I just told her because we're friends. I didn't know she was going to tell you. "

" It's okay. She said and I quote,'I'm only telling you this so you can speak up quickly before it's too late.' She meant no harm."

" But I told her not to tell anyone especially you."

" Well I know it already and I'm waiting for your answer." He said, looking deeply into my eyes

I nodded

" Should I take that as a yes?"

" Do you want me to change my mind?" I asked

" Can you stop answering my questions with more questions? "

" Why are you asking me so many questions? "

" You this girl" he said, tickling me.

" See, I have to go. I haven't finished packing."

" Okay. See you later dear." He replied and planted a kiss on my cheek

I was in cloud nine. I entered the hostel smiling to myself. Gabriella wanted to hear all the gist and I told her everything.

She wanted to scream but I quickly covered her mouth before she could do so.

" Adesua I'm so happy for you. Thank God you said yes because if you had said no, I would have kicked you out of this room immediately. "

I laughed at her. Gabriella and I were very close friends even though we had only met last year.

Where will things go from here?

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