Chapter 23

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Debo's POV
     I looked for Gabriella and I couldn't find her anywhere. I had left for a minute to get drinks for both of us and she was nowhere to be found. I decided to check if she was outside and I was shocked when I saw her kissing Akin.

How could she do this to me?

The glass I was holding fell to the floor, breaking into a million pieces. They turned around just then and I could tell that they were surprised to see me watching them.

"Akin, how dare you? " I asked angrily

"Debo I can explain. " he said

"Explain what? That you are here kissing my girlfriend? Akin,how could you do this to me? " I shouted angrily

"Point of correction Debo, I am just your date not your girlfriend." Gabriella replied

Ouch,that hurt.

"Okay, I'm sorry. It's just.....never mind. I'll catch you two later." I said and went back inside. I sat down on a chair thinking about what I just saw.

I had never thought Gabriella would fall for someone else and not just anyone, my bestfriend. I began to wonder why I was so bad with girls.

Tolu had moved on and so had Adesua and now Gabriella had a boyfriend. I felt so sad. I didn't feel like staying at the party anymore so I walked back to the hostel.

I jumped on my bed and took off my jacket and shirt. I just wanted to forget it all. Just as I was about to close my eyes, my phone buzzed.

1 new message from Adesua

Why was she texting me?

I opened the message immediately.

Hey,can we talk?

I replied her immediately.

What about?

A: Us


A: See,you're acting like a jerk again. I told you the other time that I needed space and time to sort things out.

Me: And?

A:I don't think we'll ever get back together again.

Me: What?

I threw my phone at the wall.


Hey guys,I want to appreciate everyone who has been reading and voting so far. Thank you so much.
I'm sorry to announce that my other book, one crazy summer will be on hold for now until I complete this book. I still haven't found a suitable way to end it and that's why I'm still writing. I was going to stop at fifty chapters but I realised that there's so much more to tell.

I want to ask you guys a question

Who is your favourite character in the book so far?

Mine's Debo. Don't blame me.

Till next time.
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