Chapter 14

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Gabriella's POV
I could hear them arguing outside and as their voices got louder, I lost interest in the book I was reading and decided to eavesdrop. It was the first of its kind between Adesua and Debo.

"Adesua,I've warned you to stop hanging out with that Demilade guy. He's nothing but trouble. Stay away from him if you still want this relationship. "

Ha, Demilade again.

" What do you have against him? He's just my friend and my classmate."

" I don't care if you are classmates or not. I want you to stay away from him and that's final."

" Look, Debo you can't tell me what to do. "

" Of course I can. I'm your boyfriend. "

" Well in that case, I don't want to be your girlfriend anymore. You're making me sick. I'm tired of you. You always think you can control me. Look, I think we should break up. "

Oh no she didn't just do that.

" What?"

Water, you did not hear abi

" Yes I said it. I'm through with you Debo."

I heard her coming in so I jumped back on my bed and pretended like I was reading my Chemistry textbook.

She came in a minute later and her eyes looked puffy and she wasn't looking happy. I decided to give her some space mostly because the other girls were in the room.

" Adesua, what happened to you? " I asked hours later when the other girls went out for lunch.

" It's Debo o."

" What did he do to you?" I asked even though I already knew the answer.

" He's making my life miserable. He gets really mad whenever he sees me with another guy. It just pisses me off."

" It's okay. So what did you say to him?" I asked

" I broke up with him. "

" What? Why?"

" I just told you why."

" Then why are you crying? "

" Because I'm heartbroken. "

" It's okay. You'll be fine. " I said, holding her

" Are you going out for lunch? " she asked

" Do you want me to stay with you? "

" Nah, I'll be fine. I think I want to be alone for now."

" Okay, I'll be back as soon as I'm through eating." I replied and went outside

I really needed to talk to Debo but I didn't know if he was going to listen to me. Akin noticed my mood while I was eating and asked me if I was okay.

" I'm just worried about Adesua. " I replied

" What's wrong with her? "

" Something. Did Debo tell you anything? "

" Yes, he told Oba and I that Adesua broke up with him. He's really upset about it. Do you know why she broke up with him? "

" Kind of "

" Why?"

" Why do you want to know? "

" I just want to see if they can work things out. "

" Actually, I was thinking we should not interfere. "

" Why?"

" Because I don't think it's proper for us to interfere in their relationship. They'll come around,  just give them time."

" Fine I'll let it go but on one condition. "

" What?"

" I need you to talk to Debo. "

" Why?"

" I think he'll listen to you."

" Why  do you think so?"

" Because you two have a history. "

" Please don't remind me. He only used me back then."

" What are you talking about? "

" Akin it's a long story. "

" And I've got nothing but time.  Tell me everything."

Hi guys, that's the end of another chapter.  I hope you enjoyed reading. I haven't been able to update for so long because of school but I finally had time to update today

Please don't forget to vote, comment and share. Till next time.

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