Chapter 5

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Sorry for the late update. Here is another chapter.

Adesua's POV
Today was Monday, the first day of resumption. The bell rang at 6 am for us to wake up. I was still tired because I'd had trouble falling asleep the night before. Gabby had to come and drag me out of bed before I woke up.

" Good morning " I greeted in a sleepy voice

" Good morning. How was your night? " she asked

" I didn't get enough sleep last night."

" Let me guess, you were thinking about him."

" Who?"

" Debo."

That name brought a smile to my face.

" See, I was right. You like him, don't you?"

" No, I don't. "

" Yes you do. You are still smiling. "

" Abeg let us go and bathe jor. I don't want to be late for school on my first day. Are the teachers nice?"

" Some of them are though not all the time. Just avoid getting  into trouble and you'll be fine. " she shrugged

I picked my towel and ran to the bathroom. I screamed as I poured cold water on my body. It had rained the night before and the water was as cold as ice.

I came out in less than ten minutes and ran to my room to cover myself.

" By the way, what did senior Debo tell you last night?" Gabby asked as soon as I entered the room.

I blushed as my mind went back to what happened last night.
...  ....

" What do you mean? " I asked

" I want to talk to you. "

" About what?"

" Everything. "He said,taking my hand and I felt my heart skip a beat.

" Fine. Go on."
" I was wrong to leave without saying goodbye and I'm really sorry. I never wanted to come but I had to and I really love it here. I don't want you to be mad at me."

" I get it. It was your mother's idea."

" How did you know? "

" I just figured it out. "

" Okay. I just wanted to let you know that if you need anything, you can come and meet me."

" Okay thanks. " I said and walked away
" I think he has a thing for you." Gabriella said as soon as I finished telling her what happened

" I don't think so. Besides he has a girlfriend. " I shrugged even though it hurt.

" Hmm. Not for long."

" What do you mean? "

" Nothing."

We left the hostel five minutes later. Breakfast was yam and fried egg which I had to force myself to eat because I didn't have an appetite.

The school was really huge, I have to say. Assembly started at eight. Gabriella introducedme to some of the boys in our class. I met Femi and I have to admit,he had me laughing within five minutes. I also met the twins, Taiwo and Kehinde.

Our first class was Biology. Our teacher introduced himself to us as Mr Daniel. The man knew how to teach but he was incredibly boring. He also informed us that he was going to be our chemistry teacher as well.

Great. Another bad luck.

We had two periods of Biology and two periods of Mathematics which was surprisingly fun for me because I really hate Mathematics. After that was French and I was glad to finally have some free time to myself.

I realised that I was going to like this  school no matter what.


Hope you enjoyed the chapter. I'm really sorry for the late update. Please support me by voting. Your comments will be appreciated.

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