Chapter 33

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Adesua's POV
I really wanted to know if Gabriella had feelings for Debo. Even though our relationship didn't work out, we were still best friends and nothing could change that. I did feel bad for Akin because he was really heartbroken after Gabriella broke up with him.

I saw Akin earlier this morning and he was smiling. I was a bit surprised because I hadn't seen him smile in the last two weeks. He waved at me and told me to join him at his table which I did.

"Why are you staring at me like that? " he asked, as soon as I sat down

"Well,you haven't smiled in the last two weeks and you've never spoken to me before so I'm just wondering why you are talking to me now" I replied

"About me not speaking to you, I'm really sorry for that especially since you are  Gabby's friend. I just have a lot on my mind."

"Care to share?"

"It's Debo again "

"What did he do this time? "

I really wasn't in the mood for this conversation but I needed to find out something

"He just told me that he's going to ask Gabriella out today "

I dropped my fork (which was midway between my mouth and my plate) back into the plate

"What? When did that happen? "

" I don't know "

"Do you still love her?" I asked

He placed his hands on the table and took several deep breaths.

" I don't know how to tell her that I'm still in love with her. I can't stand seeing her with another guy especially Debo. I haven't been able to get her out of my mind since she broke up with me. Do you know why she broke up with me? "

"She said it was because you were leaving and she wasn't going to see you again. "

"Why would you say that? "

"Technically, you did tell her you were going abroad to further your education. "

"If that's the reason why she broke up with me then tell her she doesn't have to worry. I will study here in Ibadan "

"Why the sudden change of plans?"

"I don't want to be faraway from her. I really love her."

I shook my head

"Why are you just saying all of this now? What took you so long? You know what? You have to tell her how you feel before you leave."

"I.....I don't know if she'll take me back "

"You won't know unless you try and if you don't try,you'll regret it later. Gabriella is worth fighting for and if you don't tell her today, you might end up losing her forever. " I said

"I think you are right. You know what, I'll do it. I'm going to tell Gabby I still love her. If she says no to me, at least I'll know I tried. Thank you so much, Adesua. You are a really good friend. "

"I know. Now go get your girl."

(1 hour later - present time)

I sat on my bed,staring at the ceiling. Now what? Debo was now in the picture making things even more complicated.

How was I going to help my best friend now?

Akin's POV

I kept fumbling with my tie. I was really nervous. I looked at myself in the mirror again and took a deep breath. I was really going through with this. I really hoped I would be able to get her back.

Adesua had just texted me with Gabby's phone( I didn't have her number) that Debo had already come to see Gabby. I was a bit disappointed but I decided to put myself together and give it one last try.

I left the hostel a few minutes later and accidentally bumped into someone.

"Oh,I'm so sorry. I didn't mean to....." I stopped talking when I saw the person I bumped into

"Gabby, look amazing " I said

She really did

"Thanks. You don't look too bad either"

"Thanks. Actually, I was coming over to talk to you"

"What about? " she asked

"Gabby, I really don't know how to say this but I'm still in love with you and I don't ever want to lose you. I haven't been myself since you broke up with me. I need you back please. " I pleaded

"I.....I really don't know what to say. I'm so confused right now and I wish I had time to think about it but you are leaving today. What do you want me to do? "

"I really wish I knew. I also know that Debo is in love with you and...."

She cut in,"How did you know that? "

"Well, he told me this morning "

"Wow,this is getting more complicated by the minute "

" I know but who is it going to be, me or him?"


Hey guys,sorry for the late update but this chapter was a lot for me to type.

Who do you think Gabriella will choose?

Debo or Akin?

Find out in the next chapter.

Till next time

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