Chapter 7

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Adesua's POV
So Debo told me about he and Gabriella last week. To be honest, I was mad at first but I calmed down when I discovered why.

" Debo, why are you telling me all this?" I asked when he was done

" I'm just telling you because I don't want you to be mad at Gabriella because of what happened. " he replied

" It's okay. Gabriella is my friend. I totally understand. So can I ask you something? "

" Sure. What is it?"

" Why did you break up with senior Tolu?"

" Are you sure you want to know?"

I nodded.

" It's really hard to believe but I broke up with her because of you."

" What do you mean? "

" Um nothing. Never mind. I'll see you later." He replied and walked away. I picked my bag and left the class,thinking about what he just said.

Did he really break up with Tolu because of me? I narrated the whole thing to Gabriella the following week.

" I told you he had a crush on you."

" How are you so sure? He has never said so."

" He doesn't have to. It's pretty obvious that he likes you."

" What do you mean? "

" Well, I keep catching him stealing glances at you especially in the dining hall. Two days ago,he bought snacks for us when you asked him to. I had asked him three times before you did and he said no but he said yes immediately you asked him. Believe me when I say that Lawrence boys are stingy."

" Maybe you are right but I don't want to jump into conclusions yet." I said with a shrug

" Na you sabi. "

I thought about what she just said and I had a feeling that she was right. I decided to forget about it for the meantime.

We woke up two hours later to the sound of the dinner bell.

" Is it six already?" I asked ,rubbing my eyes sleepily. I had no idea when I slept off.

" It is. Get up o. You don't want to miss today's dinner. It's jollof rice and chicken, your favourite. "

I got up when I heard chicken. I looked up and saw that Gabriella wad laughing.

" Later you will say you don't like food."
" Na you know. Just be fast and let's go. I'm really hungry. "

" See your mouth. FFO.( for food only)"

We met Debo on our way and he waved at us. Gabriella nudged me to wave back and I reluctantly did. I took two rounds of jollof rice and collected another piece of chicken.

God don butter my bread.

I was about to finish my food when I felt someone tapping my shoulder.

" Can I talk to you for a minute? "

I looked up to see who was talking.

It was Debo.

Hope you are enjoying the story.
Question of the chapter: Do you think that Debo really likes Adesua?
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