Chapter 20

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Debo's POV

  What was wrong with me? How could I have asked Gabby to the dance in Adesua's presence? I was still surprised that she had said yes to me.

The bell rang thirty minutes later. I packed my bag and was about to leave for the hostel when I felt a hand on my shoulder. I turned around and was startled to see Adesua.

"We need to talk." she said, folding her arms. I took her hand and led her to a more private place in the school.

"So what do you want to talk about? " I asked. It had been weeks since we last spoke to each other.

"What was that about? "

"What was what about? "

"You asking Gabriella to the dance. "


"What are you trying to achieve? You already used her once. Don't break her heart again. "

"Listen, I'm not going to do that. I just needed a date to the dance. Why are you acting like you are jealous? "

"I'm not "

"Fine,if you say so."

"Debo,can I ask you something? "


"Do you like Gabriella? "

"Why do you want to know? "

"Because she's my best friend "

" I don't know. We've been friends for a long time but I am not sure. " I replied with a shrug and she looked down. Truth be told, I wasn't sure how I felt towards Gabriella.

"Adesua, please don't take it the wrong way. I'm really sorry for what happened between us but I want to move on. I think it's best that we don't get back together." I said, placing my hands on her shoulders.

I noticed that she was about to cry so I pulled her closer and hugged her. Everything would be fine,right? I honestly wasn't so sure about that anymore.

"Guy,what's up? You look really down." Akin asked immediately we got to the hostel.
"Is it Gabby or Adesua? "He added and I turned to face him.
"Both of them. "

"Nawa for you o. Some of us never see one fine for our side. You don get two. Oshey. "


"This kind love o. This kind love. "Akin sang

"Guy you no well o."

" Na you sabi "

" I'm tired abeg. I want to sleep. By the way,who are you taking to the dance? "

"I'm not sure. There's this girl that I was going to ask but she's already going with someone else. "

"Who is she?" I asked

"Um......nevermind. I'll just ask someone else. "

I stared at him for a moment before it suddenly hit me.

The girl he was talking about was Gabriella.

How could I not have noticed it before?

Hey guys,so I just dropped another chapter. I hope you enjoyed reading.  I will try to update once a week from now on.

Keep reading and voting.

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