Chapter 16

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Debo's POV
   I didn't know how long I was going to continue like this. I was really going crazy right now. I was trying to take my mind off everything that happened last weekend but I couldn't.

  I hated myself for being jealous. I wanted to apologise when I saw her this morning but I couldn't bring myself to. My pride wouldn't allow me to. I had messed things up. I was lost in my thoughts when I felt a hand on my shoulder.
  I turned around and was a bit surprised to see Gabby in front of me. We hadn't spoken in weeks even though I had been dating her best friend.
Geez, it was already over between us.

" Are you okay? "She asked

" Yeah I'm fine. You can go now." I replied.  I really didn't feel like talking to anyone.

" I'm sorry about what happened between you two."

" Why are you sorry? It's not your fault."

" I know. I never saw it coming. She's usually not like this. You need to talk to her. You need to apologise. "

" How would you know what she's like? You just met her last year. I've known her my entire life. "

" So are you going to apologise to her?"

" No"

" Why?"

Why are you asking?

" Because it's her fault. She knows how much I hate Demilade yet she still hangs out with him. I just can't stand the sight of him and yet she's always with him."

" Can you try to be understanding for once?"

" Excuse me? "

" She doesn't like the way you are acting. It's like you don't want her to go close to any guy in this school except you. "

" Of course. Why should she hang out with any other guy?"

She shook her head and put her hand on her head.

What was wrong with this girl?

" Alex, why can't you just say sorry?"

" Because I don't want to. "

" I know you don't want to know the truth but you need to. "

Like I care

" Adesua really cares about you but you keep hovering around her and you don't give her enough breathing space. Don't you think it's too much?"

" Whose side are you on?" I asked

  " i would say I was on her side but I'm staying neutral. I don't want to get involved in any of this. I just want you to think about it. "

" Why are you doing this? "

" I don't want to see my best friend upset because of you. I don't even know why I am doing this. You used me last year, remember and I think she doesn't deserve you. You don't care about her, do you? "

" I do, I really do." I replied

She sighed and shook her head

" I thought better of you. I thought you were real. Turns out you are just like every other guy."

And with that, she got up and walked away from me. I stood there wondering if what I did was right or wrong.

What was wrong with me?

I couldn't answer that question.

Hey guys. I've been away for a while now but I'm back and here is a new chapter to say thank you to all my readers and voters. 😍😍
You guys rock

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