Chapter 39

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Hey there, so I think we've had enough of Akin, Gabriella, Adesua and Debo's drama for a while.

Let's go into another person's world. Shall we?

David's POV

Hostel was terrible. We were supposed to be in dry season but rain was falling heavily, everyday.
To make matters worse, NEPA had refused to give us light and the school only turned on the gen when it was time for prep.

One particular Thursday, they finally gave us light during prep time. We immediately rushed out of the hall to charge our phones. I went to iron my school uniform for Monday. When I was done, I decided to plug my phone and then they decided to take their light.

I wanted to cry. Why today of all days when my battery was on 5%?

I left the hostel when we were asked to come outside and continue our reading.

With which light biko?

I then noticed that some of the girls were holding flashlights and lamps.

Did that mean they were going to use them to read?

Man,this school is messed up.


I was trying to focus on the book I was reading but it was hard to see since I wasn't used to using a lamp to read.

School didn't want to turn on their gen because there was no fuel.

Can you imagine?

At the end, I gave up and I was about to sleep when I heard someone shouting 'UP NEPA '

Thank you Jesus

I quickly went to charge my phone and then returned to the hall. By then I was already bored and I couldn't concentrate on my Maths textbook anymore.

"Who else is bored apart from me? " Gabriella asked and almost everyone raised their hands.

"Let's play a game. "Femi suggested

"What game should we play? "Chioma asked

There were eleven of us around the two tables: Chioma Taiwo Kehinde Gabriella Adesua Demilade Atinuke Femi Feranmi Nifemi and I.

"You guys,we are starting our exams in two weeks time. We should be reading. " Gabriella advised

"Madam adviser,thank you for your advice. You know say no be all of us sabi book like you so sometimes you gotta chill. You know what I'm saying? Learn to live a little make book no kill you." Femi replied

I looked at Gabriella. She didn't say anything but I could tell that she was a bit offended. We never really talk mostly because she was always hanging out with the former SS3.

It was a good thing that I was now the head boy of the school. Kehinde was our head girl although some of our juniors still couldn't tell the difference between her and Taiwo.

I really liked Kehinde and I was really looking forward to working with her this year. We rarely spoke to each other but we greeted each other once in a while.

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