Chapter 37

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Gabriella's POV

I couldn't believe that the holidays were already over. It was like they had only just begun and now they were over. I also couldn't believe that it was my final year at Lawrence high school.

I was packing my bags from my mum's car when I heard someone shouting my name from behind. I turned around to see my one and only best friend.

"Gabriella,it's so good to see you again. Come inside, I have gist for you." Adesua said, hugging me from behind

I was so happy to see my best friend again that I didn't mind the fact that she was screaming in my ears.

I followed her to the hostel and she helped me carry my luggage. She looked happier than I'd ever seen her.

Immediately we got to our room,we sat down and started talking.

"Oya gist me" I said

"Guess what "

"What? "

"I have a new boyfriend"

Wow, i really was not expecting her to say that at all.

"So who is the lucky guy?" I asked

"Akin" she replied

"Which Akin?"

"The one you know"

"The one I know? "


"As in Akin Cole? "

"Yes na"

"The one that went to this school? "

"Yes. Is something wrong? "

"No,not at all. "

Yes,there were a billion things wrong. How did it even happen? Akin and Adesua? Not in my wildest dreams would I have thought that they would ever end up together.

At least she still had a boyfriend

Yes, Debo and I broke up

Only God knows why. I called him one morning and he said he was no longer interested and that we should go our separate ways.

Why on earth did he do that?

I didn't even realise I was already crying until Adesua touched my shoulder.

"Gabriella, are you okay? What's wrong? " she asked

"Debo and I broke up a few weeks ago. " I replied

Adesua's POV

I wasn't surprised because I had a feeling that their relationship wasn't going to last just like ours didn't. But why would he break her heart? I mean, I thought he loved her so much.

I've lost my bestfriend of over six years and I can't seem to find him. Debo has changed completely. He's so different from the boy I grew up with.

The ringing of my phone broke my thoughts. I checked the caller ID and I was surprised to see that it was Debo.

Why was he calling me? We haven't spoken to each other in over three weeks now.

"Hello" I said after picking the call

"Hey,is Gabriella with you?" He asked

"Yeah,why do you ask?"

"Please can you give her the phone?"


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