Chapter 9

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Chioma's POV
I've been in this school for three years now ,almost as long as Mr Daniel and I still don't understand that man.

He's at least thirty years old and he's still not married and he flirts with every female teacher in school.

Thankfully, next week was midterm break though we were going home this Friday which was also our open day and our out of uniform day.

I woke up early that morning and I didn't know why. I checked my wristwatch and realised that it was just a few minutes after five o'clock so I slept back because I still felt sleepy.

" Hey Chioma are you still sleeping? It is already seven o'clock. "

I looked up to see senior Tolu staring at me.

" Get up and get ready. Your mates are already eating." She said and left my room

I don't like her at all and neither do any of the girls in my class. She's too bossy for my liking.

I looked around and discovered that the hostel prefect was still sleeping.

Stupid seniors.

I got up and had my bath as quickly as I could. I didn't want to walk to school alone. I was ready by seven-thirty and I ran to the dining hall. Adesua and Gabriella had gone to school. I was sure they had gone with Debo and his friends.

Those two sha. They will be going to school early everyday and make the rest of us look bad.

I hurriedly drank my tea even though it was tasteless. I just wanted something to be in my stomach.

I picked my school bag when I was done and walked with Taiwo and Kehinde to school. " Ehen did you do your maths assignment?" Kehinde asked

" Which maths assignment? "I asked

" The one in our New General Maths textbook, page 47,number 1 to 20." She replied and I screamed. I had totally forgotten about it.

Which kind of school is this bayi?

" See Chisom,it's not only you o. Me sef I forgot. " Taiwo chipped in

" That makes two of us." I said, feeling better

" Can't we just copy when we get to school?" Taiwo asked

" That's bad. You want to copy someone else's hard work. " Kehinde said

" Madam preacher we don hear." I said

" Sister Chioma, it's for your own good o. Me I've said my own sha." Taiwo replied

" Which reminds me, Taiwo, how far with you and Femi na?I asked and she blushed

" What do you mean? Did you hear anything? "She asked

" Hmm seems like someone has a crush. " I said

" No I don't. We're just friends. "She said

" That's just a cover up girls use. It had been scientifically proven that when a girl keeps insisting that she doesn't like a guy,it usually means that she really likes the guy." I said and they started laughing

" Ah ah sister Chioma, where did you hear that one oh?" Kehinde asked

" Stop calling me that. It makes me feel old." I said

" Are you not old ni? " Taiwo asked

" Let's hurry up. It is already time for assembly. " Kehinde said and we quickened our pace till we got to school.

I noticed that Taiwo looked a bit shy when Femi greeted her. I put two and two together and figured it out.

How come? These two?

Could it be that........

No it couldn't be

Was it even possible?

Could it be that they were dating?
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