Chapter 36

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Hello there.

So I thought I'd surprise you all with a chapter today.

Before you start reading, I want you guys to guess what Akin wants to tell Adesua.



Akin's POV

My hands were shaking as I opened the fridge. I was wondering how I was going to tell her. I didn't want this party to end on a bad note especially because I was leaving for London next

God,why was this so hard?

I really hoped I don't mess things up. Since Gabby broke up with me,I had been a shadow of myself but Adesua was there for me to lean on. We had gotten closer since I graduated.

I suddenly remembered why I came to the kitchen when I saw Adesua standing beside me.

"What are you doing here? " I asked

"Well you've been gone for over five minutes and I got tired of waiting so I thought I'd come and get the water myself. What is taking you so long?"

"Sorry,I was thinking."

"About what?"

Okay,this is it. It was now or never.

"Come on you can tell me anything. "

I took a deep breath.

Well here goes nothing

Adesua's POV

I could tell that he was really nervous and I guessed what he was about to say.

Oh my God! Was this really happening? Again?

I felt nervous as he took my hand.

"Adesua, I really don't know how to say this but I really like you and I would like us to be more than friends. I didn't know how to break the news to you earlier but I knew I had to tell you before I leave for London next week and I wouldn't be able to leave without telling you once and for all. I know you may not feel the same way but I just want you to know that.............."

I didn't let him finish what he was saying. I lifted my lips up to his and kissed him. I'd been waiting for this moment for a while now. He ran his hand through my hair as he kissed me back.

This felt so amazing, so right.

He pulled away after a while and I could tell that he was shocked.

"Wow,that was unexpected. I really wasn't expecting that at all. Why did you do that? " he asked

"I wanted to. I've actually liked you for a while now but I couldn't tell you but I was just so happy when I realised that you like me too."

"So will you be my girlfriend? "


"But I'm leaving for London next week and I may not be back for a while. "

"It's okay. I can work with a long distance relationship as long as I'm sure that you'll never cheat on me."

"I promise I'll never do that."

That was the beginning of my relationship with Akin. I wondered how long our relationship would last.

With a new year ahead and a few new school mates,things are bound to get heated up for sure (especially with Demilade around)


Hallo, special thanks to everyone who has been reading and voting so far. You guys rock.

Thank you for reading.




Precious-bee loves you all💓💓💓💓💓💓💓💓💓

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