Chapter 4

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Debo's POV
When I first saw her that evening, I was really shocked. First of all, what was she doing in Ibadan. And what was she doing in the same school with me?

I asked around about her until Gabriella told me that she had was a new student in her class and she was also in the hostel.

When I left Lagos, I lost contact with all my friends because my mum took away my phone and bought me another one. She even broke my SIM card. I think the real reason why we moved to Ibadan was because my mum wanted me to be away from Adesua. I don't know why but she doesn't like her.

I tried looking for some of my friends on social media and I found some of them but I couldn't find Adesua.

I was surprised to see her that evening with Gabriella and some other girls in ss2. I could hardly take my eyes off her. She was a beauty to behold.

" Debo, who are you staring at? " Tolu asked
She was my girlfriend and she was very annoying.
" No mind am. He don see fine girl be dat."( don't mind him,he has seen a fine girl. ) Oba replied

She had changed a lot in the last two years. She had also lost weight. I continued to stare at her until she got up to leave the hall. I don't know how but I found myself walking towards her.

I called her name and she turned back to look at me. Gosh,I have missed her so much.
My heart was racing and I was pretty sure that everyone else could hear it beating.

"Adesua, is it really you?" I asked

Stupid question

" Of course. How come you never told me you were coming to Lawrence High School? " she said

She hadn't changed. Always replying a question with another question.

I had to lie. I couldn't tell her the truth,  at least not when everyone was watching.

" I'm sorry. I lost my phone. " I replied


I later let her go but I didn't stop staring at her till she was out of sight.

" Debo, how you take know this fine chick?" Oba asked immediately she left

" I have met her before." I replied

" Sounds like there is more to it than that. " he said

He was right. Well, I was going to gist him later.
"Guy abeg hook me up na." He said out of the blue.

Hook wetin? You wan die?

I almost landed him a dirty slap.

" I'm sorry but she's not the dating type." I said

It was actually quite true. Adesua rarely paid attention to guys except me. I don't know if that has changed now but I hope it hasn't. I was walking back to my room when Tolu blocked my path.
" What do you want? " I asked, hoping she would hurry up and leave me alone
" Who is she?" She asked

" E concern you?"I asked
( is it your business?)

" I said who is she?"

Oh no here we go again.

" Who are you talking about?"

" Don't play games with me. You know very well who I'm talking about. The new girl in ss2; Adesua or whatever she calls herself."
" Anyway, she's my childhood friend if that's what you want to hear." I replied

" So do you like her?" She asked again


" What? " I said, pretending not to have heard her.
" She's just a friend okay. No need to get yourself worked up."

Liar liar

" I know and it has better remain that way or else things will go wrong." She said

Excuse me? Who did she think she was talking to?

" Are you threatening me?" I asked

" No, it's just that I don't want any girl to steal you away from me. " she replied

What? I be your property ni?

" Whatever. Can you move? I need to go?" I said impatiently

" Okay but can you give me a kiss before you go?" She asked
So ti ya were ni.? Is she crazy?

" No, people are watching." I replied
" Fine." She said and I walked away

I was beginning to wonder what I had seen in her in the first place. She was really annoying. I jumped on my bed immediately I entered my room. I was thinking about Adesua and I felt my heart race again

No, it couldn't be.

Was it really true?

Was I falling for her?

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