Episode 2: Smashed In- Nighttime/Waking Up

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"Last time on Total Drama Island: Return to Wawanakwa..." Chris began in a narrator fashion, "Twenty hopeful campers arrived at a newly build Camp Wawanakwa  just off the coast of Newfoundland."

*Shows shot of the campers arriving on the Dock of Shame*

"The teams entered a physical battle for the luxurious mini-mansion, and after a hard-fought battle, the Wild Wolverines won the mini-mansion and immunity, forcing the Merciless Moose to vote someone off."

*Shows shot of Matthew unlocking the door and Alejandro tackling him into the mini-mansion*

"Katelyn rallied her teammates to vote for the very likable Tristan, and despite Zeyad's attempt to turn the tables on her, Katelyn got her wish as Tristan was the first camper voted off. In addition, Daniel volunteered for a trip to a special location."

*Shows shots of Tristan being eliminated and Daniel leaving to a secret location*

"What will Daniel face at the mystery location? Will the Wild Wolverines continue their winning ways? Or will the Merciless Moose take them down? Find out on this episode of Total...Drama...Island:...Return to Wawanakwa!"


Upon the completion of the title sequence, the cameras panned in on the cabin of the Merciless Moose. Upon the completion of the elimination, the group was definitively split. Betty was crushed, mainly due to her closest ally being voted off. The remainder of the girls, as well as Devin were content, knowing that their plan worked. Alejandro and Aaron were upset that they were out of the loop, but did their best to brush it off. Zeyad was furious, given that his plan to overthrow Katelyn failed. He was now at the bottom of the team: the place that he dreaded the most.

"You all are idiots," Zeyad remarked as he laid down in his singular bed.

"Hey! I tried to get rid of the weak-link!" Aaron claimed, laying down in a lower bunk, "Unlike you, I tried to do the best for the team!"

"Well, I hope that you guys enjoy being bossed around," Zeyad commented sarcastically, "Because that's all that Katelyn will do."

"That's what you were doing to us!" Devin interjected from the bottom bunk across from Aaron, "We might have actually considered it if you didn't pester us with the idea!"

"Zeyad is way to focused on pointing out everyone else's faults that he forgets that he has faults too. Ugh! I've got to keep a close eye on him."- Devin

"Guys!" Alejandro exclaimed from the bunk above Aaron, "Can we just bury the hatchet for now? We're not going to get anywhere if we keep on arguing, okay?"

"Fine..." the other three guys agreed as they turned over in their bunks.

"I never thought that I'd have to be the voice of reason, but these guys are so easily riled up. We need to calm down if we want to have any shot at winning."- Alejandro


Unsurprisingly, the boys of the Merciless Moose weren't the only ones with tension among themselves. The girls had their fair share of conflicts, although it was noticeably more silent than the boys' conflicts. None of the girls were certain of how to proceed: four out of the five of them had just eliminated the closest ally of the fifth girl. As Betty sulked in her tears on her solo bunk, the remaining four watched over her, waiting for someone to make a move.

"Who's gonna go and talk to her?" Kiana asked, "Someone has to."

"I think it should be Katelyn," Laila replied, looking over at her orange-haired teammate, "You are kind of responsible for the vote-off."

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