Episode 13: Serving Big Plays- Immunity Challenge

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"Welcome back to Total Drama Island: Return to Wawanakwa!" Chris welcomed as the main camera panned on him, "Before the break, the campers were informed of their next challenge: a badminton accuracy tournament, where everyone leaves with some sort of 'prize'. Let's get down to it."


"Let's begin round one!" Chris declared, "Veronica, you're up first!"

Veronica stepped up to the serving plate as she prepared to hit the birdie. In general, Veronica was a pretty athletic person, although badminton wasn't a sport that she focused on. However, when the birdie was shot at her, she managed to hit it almost perfectly, allowing it to sail up and into the net in the center of the box.

"And Veronica sets the bar high with a score of 50!" Chris announced, causing everyone to cheer for her.

"Yeah!" Veronica exclaimed, proud of her performance.

"This might be a good one for me."- Veronica

"This might be more difficult than I thought..."- Tory

"Kiana, you're up next," Chris declared.

It wouldn't be wrong to say that Kiana was unconfident. Especially after Veronica had set the bar impossibly high, she felt an extreme amount of pressure to perform to that standard. When the birdie was shot at her, she did manage to hit it, and it was projected to head for the 50-point net, but it ended up heading slightly to the left, resulting in a much lower score.

"And Kiana gets 3 points," Chris announced, resulting in a lesser amount of applause.

"Aw man..." Kiana muttered, upset.

"I don't play a lot of sports, so I didn't expect to do that well."- Kiana

"It may be cruel to say, but I don't have to worry about her beating me in this challenge."- Katelyn

"Amalia is up next!" Chris declared.

Back home, Amalia spent a fair amount of time working out to keep herself in shape. Badminton was a sport that she played pretty frequently, so she was pretty confident in her chances of winning. Her confidence was justified when she managed to hit the birdie into a high-numbered slot, albeit one off-center.

"Amalia scores twenty-one points!" Chris announced, resulting in some applause.

"I'm liking my chances. I'd love to get back-to-back immunity wins."- Amalia

"Hmm...maybe Amalia can win this for us."- Matthew

"Tory is up next!" Tory declared.

Tory felt an extreme amount of pressure; he knew that out of everyone in the all-male alliance, he was the most capable of winning the challenge. Thus, he felt the need to score high to instill confidence in his alliance. When he hit the birdie, he was lucky enough to have it fly into a box with a decent score.

"Tory scores 14 points!" Chris announced, allowing Tory to cheer for himself.

"Not good, but at least I'm safe."- Tory

"Matthew is up next," Chris declared.

Unlike the others, Matthew was a part of his highschool's badminton team. If there was a challenge for him to win, this was the one. Calling upon all of his skills, he slammed the birdie with the sweet spot of his racket, allowing it to fly high and land in a good square.

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