Episode 15: The Hopeful & The Heartbroken- Immunity Challenge

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"Welcome back to Total Drama Island: Return to Wawanakwa!" Chris welcomed as the main camera panned on him, "Before the break, the seven campers were informed of their next challenge: a multi-round throwback to challenges of this season. Let's see how it plays out!"


With the completion of Chris' greeting, the cameras turned to face the seven campers at their podiums. Unsurprisingly, all of them were ready to try their hardest to win. For Daniel & Amalia, they felt the need to win because they were looked at as big threats. For Rhythm & Matthew, they felt the need to win so their plan to split up the biggest threats could go through. For Katelyn & Kiana, their desires were a mix of the goals of the other two duos. And for Devin, he was ready to play, but due to his exhaustion from Boney Island, he didn't feel that he had much of a chance.

"Alright, it's time for round 1: Coconut Conundrum," Chris declared as he pointed to a pulley-like system with a net on one end and a weight on the other end, "In a throwback to episode seven, you will have to throw fifteen coconuts into the net in order to raise the weight off the ground. How long do you think it will take for you to complete the challenge?"

"I think I can handle this one. I'm gonna go for it."- Amalia

"I'm not super confident in this one, so I'm just gonna try and put a time a little more than what I think the fastest time will be."- Daniel

"I don't want to compete right away, so I'm gonna try and write down a time in the middle."- Rhythm

"Badminton is my sport; not basketball. I'm writing down a high number on this one."- Matthew

"Daniel's probably gonna pick a time that's like, one coconut per ten seconds, so. I've just got to put a time a bit above that..."- Katelyn

"I'm just gonna write down a time that I feel comfortable writing."- Kiana

"Whatever...gets me.... out of the...challenge...." *falls asleep*- Devin

"Let's see what you've all written down," Chris declared.

"Two minutes," Amalia announced.

"Two minutes and one second," Daniel stated, putting emphasis on the 'one second'.

"Two minutes and thirty-one seconds," Rhythm declared.

"Four minutes," Matthew revealed, embarrassed.

"Two minutes and thirty-five seconds," Katelyn declared proudly.

"Three minutes," Kiana revealed as she held up her board.

"Devin?" Chris called out, noticing that Devin was hunched over on his podium, fast asleep, "Devin?"

"I've got it," Kiana declared as she picked up Devin's chalkboard to read, "Hmm, looks like he wrote 'one million seconds'.

"Alrighty then," Chris commented, chuckling a little bit, "Amalia, you must complete the challenge in two minutes in order to stay in the challenge. If you succeed, Devin will be eliminated from the challenge."

"I've got to start off strong and set the pace for the challenge. If I can get past this one, I should be able to handle whatever comes my way."- Amalia

"Alright, ready...set...GOOOOO!" Chris declared as he sounded his airhorn.

With Chris' signal, Amalia began shooting coconuts into the net. Now, she wasn't a big fan of basketball, but this didn't stop her from continuously sinking her shots as she made them. Compared to the other campers, she was pretty athletic, leaving many wondering if she would have the be the next one to go if she didn't win immunity. Needless to say, there was one person who didn't want to see her fail.

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