Episode 12: Love Is In The Air- Immunity Challenge

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With the couples having been decided, five of the campers were strapped onto their wheels as they held onto a button. None of them really knew how the experience would feel, but it was safe to say that none of them were looking forward to it.

"Alright mates, let's get this started," Jasmine declared as she turned to Shawn, who held a horn in front of his face.

"Ready, set," Shawn began before sounding his horn, which created a zombie sound effect, "GO!"

"From what I know, when zombies hear a fellow zombie sound, they just ignore it and continue their business. If they hear any sort of screaming or human-activated sound, they'll surround it until it's completely done for. I haven't been on this island before, and I'm not taking any chances."- Shawn

With the sound of Shawn's horn, the couples began the first part of their challenge. At that point, it was clear to the spinners that they would be there for a fair amount of time. Even though the wheels were made of wood, it was still had a decent amount of weight, making it a bit difficult to spin.

"C'mon man!" Ellie shouted, trying to encourage Tory, "Speed up!"

"It's harder than you think!" Tory insisted as he continued to spin the wheel.

"I consider myself to be a pretty strong dude, but there's no workout machine that involves spinning a wheel."- Tory

"Being on the wheel was kinda fun. I mean, it's like being on a really fast ferris wheel."- Ellie

"Do you mind slowing it down a bit, please?" Katelyn asked kindly.

"No way," Rhythm answered as she continued to spin Katelyn, "We can't afford to slow down."

"300 spins might not sound like a lot, but when you're a fourteen year-old girl who spends more time in a music store than a gym, it's a lot."- Rhythm

"I can't really complain; she's doing a much better job than I would be doing if I were spinning the wheel. I've just got to hold on for dear life."- Katelyn

"It looks like Veronica is doing pretty well," Chris noted openly, "You alright there, Matthew?"

"I'm good!" Matthew confirmed as Veronica kept spinning him.

"Luckily, all my experience playing videogames gives me a solid skill in holding down buttons. This is pretty easy for me."- Matthew

"I'm pretty strong for my age. Honestly, I bet that I can beat any guys here in an arm wrestling competition."- Veronica

"This is actually kinda fun," Amalia admitted.

"Just let me know if you want me to slow down, okay?" Daniel reminded as he continued to spin the wheel.

"I offered to be the one to hold the button, but Amalia felt that I'd do a better job spinning the wheel. Let's hope it pans out."- Daniel

"I guess this wheel gives a new meaning to 'head over heels' in love. I'm not gonna complain."- Amalia

"You can do it Devin!" Kiana encouraged as Devin attempted to spin her.

"Alright...one se..." Devin muttered before he fell to his knees in fatigue.

"Kiana's job was to hold onto a button. My job is to spin a wheel with a person strapped to it. Who do you think has the harder job?"- Devin

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