Episode 3: The Power of Love- Immunity Challenge Pt.1

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"Welcome back!" Chris announced, "Before the break, the campers indulged themselves in their breakfast meals and were called to the beach for their next challenge. Wait until they see what's in store for them this time...hehe..."


The cameras then turned to face the remaining campers, now standing on the beach and waiting to receive further instructions. Taking a look around, the next challenge seemed to be very long. Looking out into the water, there were two long balance beam-like structures. At one end: deep pools of water, coloured red and blue respectively. On the other end, sink-like structures, each with pipes connecting it to two vertical tubes on the beach. Roughly thirty metres away from the tubes was a ten-story tower. They weren't sure if that was the end or not, but they knew that they would have their answer soon.

"Alright, before we explain the challenge, let's bring Rhythm back in!" Chris ordered as a helicopter descended from the sky, followed by Rhythm jumping out and onto the sand.

"Welcome back!" Chris welcomed, "How was Boney Island?"

"Can we just get to the challenge?" Rhythm asked, walking over to join her teammates.

"Whatever," Chris allowed, annoyed that Rhythm didn't answer his question, "It's time for your next challenge. There are four parts of this challenge: the balance section, the tower section, the puzzle section, and the teamwork section. In the balance section, one member will wear a helmet with a tube on it and jump into their respective pool to fill their tube with water. Then, they will climb out of the tube, cross the balance beam over a pit of sharks, and lean forward to pour the water into the sinks, which will funnel the water into the tubes with a set of keys in them. Once the tube is completely filled, the key ring will be exposed, allowing a runner to grab the key and sprint all the way over to the tower."

By now, the group was aware that this was going to be a talent-specific challenge, as opposed to a general skill challenge. In their minds, they all kept track of the different roles that needed to be filled and who on their team would fit the best in said roles.

"Once reaching the tower, the runner will give the key ring to the climber, who will scale the tower, doing their best not to be hit by Chef's Meatball Cannon. Once at the top, they will use one of the keys to unlock a cage and free a teammate, who must dive off the tower into the water below," Chris continued, still having more to say, "After swimming back to shore, the diver must throw the key ring back to the runner, who must sprint all the way to the puzzle table, where two of their teammates must use a key to remove the cover of the table to expose a slider puzzle."

While many of the campers continued to ponder over which tasks they would be suitable for, they all had to admit that it was difficult to keep track of everything that Chris was saying. All of Chris' chatter all but confirmed to them that this challenge was abnormally long, although none of them cared enough to question it.

"Y'know, with the large amount of money that Chris uses for his salary, I'm surprised that there was enough left to build this challenge."- Betty

"Once the slider puzzle has been solved correctly, you will be able to slide out a puzzle piece which contains a machete," Chris added, "The runner must then take the machete and run over to the final area. One person will take the machete and stand on a platform, while two other teammates will use ropes and pulleys to lift the person up to the top of the ten foot high structure, where they will use the machete to chop a rope and raise their team's flag. The first team to do all of that will win immunity and the mini-mansion until the next immunity challenge. Understood?"

"I can barely remember the formulas for a math exam! How am I supposed to remember everything that Chris is saying?"- Callie

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