Episode 10: Battle Between Worlds- Immunity Challenge

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After the commercial break was finished, the cameras panned in on the beach, where the twelve campers currently stood. Near them was a structure, very likely having to do with the next challenge. There were two platforms roughly thirty-five feet apart: one platform had twelve briefcases (six red, six blue), and the other side was bare. Connecting the platforms were several tracks, hanging roughly eleven feet above the ground. Two doorless, wheeless, seatless, windowless, and engineless station wagons hung upside down from the tracks close to the empty platform. It was an odd sight, and no one knew what to expect.

"Alright campers, we're gonna start by doing something different today," Chris declared, "Before you compete in your first individual immunity challenge, you are going to have to compete in an immunity qualifier!"

"An immunity what?" - Aaron

"First, you must divide yourselves into two teams, which will be done through a schoolyard pick," Chris began, "You will then compete in a qualifier challenge; the winning team wins the right to win this episode's individual immunity."

"The show is putting us through a lot of different things. Gotta admit, even though this season is the least dangerous by far, we're forced to adapt to every new twist that comes our way."- Daniel

"At this point, I just gotta hope that I'm on a team with competent people."- Katelyn

"As for the team captains, they will be the top two vote-getters of the fan vote; Veronica & Daniel, please join me over here," Chris ordered, allowing the two teenagers to join him, "One note: the team leader will only pick the first person for their team; each person who is picked will then pick the subsequent person for their team. Veronica, since you got the most votes out of every camper, you get to choose first."

"When I hear that I'm the fan-favourite, I feel honoured. Not only do I have my family counting on me, I have a lot of fans who are counting on me to win. And I am not going to disappoint them."- Veronica

"I feel pretty good knowing that the fans like me. I get that it was before the season began, but it's still nice to hear."- Daniel

"I'm picking Rhythm," Veronica declared, causing Rhythm to run over and join her.

"Rhythm is easily my closest ally. I've got to have her back."- Veronica

"I was hoping that Veronica would pick me; honestly, she's the one that I trust the most. Hopefully we can pull out a win today."- Rhythm

"I'm picking Amalia," Daniel remarked, causing Amalia to run up and give him a kiss.

"Was there ever any doubt?"- Daniel

"Hey, I ain't gonna complain." *giggles*- Amalia

"Come over here, Ellie," Rhythm ordered, thereby selecting her.

"She's pretty athletic, so I'm confident that she won't disappoint us."- Rhythm

"It's good to know that people here still want me even though I've been voted out."- Ellie

"I'm picking Katelyn," Amalia declared.

"Right now, Katelyn and I are in a dangerous position; we need one of us to win immunity."- Amalia

"I'm glad that Amalia picked me and all, but I can't stop thinking about her and Daniel. Now that Daniel & Amalia are 'super-official', she might tell him anything; she could tell him that I voted for him, which obviously isn't good."- Katelyn

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