Episode 18: A Half-Hearted Farewell- Immunity Challenge

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"Welcome back to Total Drama Island: Return to Wawanakwa!" Chris welcomed whilst standing in the center of the maze, "Before the break, the final four were informed of their immunity challenge: a blindfolded maze in a race for the Golden Marshmallow necklace. Let's get down to the action!"


With Chris' intro completed, the cameras panned in on the entrance of the compass shaped maze, where the final four campers were blindfolded and ready to compete. This was the first immunity challenge of the season where each camper felt a dire need to win. Considering that the person who doesn't finish before the others will be eliminated, they all needed to try their absolute hardest in order to prevent themselves from placing last. Although, one of them was about to face their ultimate fate.

"Alright! Get ready, get set," Chris began before sounding his airhorn, "GOOOOOO!"

With that, the four campers began their trek into the maze, all of whom had their own strategy. Amalia decided to powerwalk; keeping her hands out in front of her to prevent her from hitting anything. Rhythm decided to grab Devin & pull him along with her; she believed that if they stuck together, their odds of beating Amaniel would be better. For Daniel, he decided to run, wanting to get a head start on the others.

"Ow!" Daniel exclaimed after running into a barrier, "Maybe that wasn't the best idea..."

"Here it is!" Amalia shouted as she began moving her hands around the first guidepost, "West...is this way..."

"There we go," Daniel muttered as he reached the first guidepost, "And running south..."

"Come here!" Rhythm ordered as she dragged Devin towards the first guidepost, "This way!"

"It's probably better that the two of us stick together. I mean, I'd probably get lost if I were alone. I'd rather have someone drag me along at this point."- Devin

"South, here I co-!" Daniel began before slamming into another barrier, "And turning left..."

"Let's see..." Amalia muttered to herself as she maneuvered her fingers around a guidepost, "Left..."

"I feel like my sense of direction is pretty good. Although, this is the first time that I've had to walk while blindfolded, so this is a bit of a new experience."- Amalia

"And...oof!" Amalia remarked as she walked into the wall of a small hut, "What is this?"

"For those wondering at home, at each point of this compass maze is a hut with four necklaces hanging from it," Chris explained, "For example, the north hut has the 'N' necklaces, the south hut has the 'S' necklaces, and you can figure out the rest."

"Ooh! This seems important," Amalia commented as she unhooked an 'W' necklace from the hut.

"And Amalia is in the lead with one necklace!" Chris announced, "The others might want to get a move on."

"Amalia, where are you?!" Rhythm asked, still pulling Devin with her.

"Don't tell her, Amalia!" Daniel warned as he examined a guidepost, "Don't tell her!"

"The last thing that I need is for Rhythm & Devin to follow the sound of Amalia's voice; they ain't gonna get any help from us. Yes, I get that my shouting has an equal chance at helping them out, but Amalia is at a necklace station, and I'm not. My shouting won't help them."- Daniel

"C'mon Daniel! I get that this is an immunity challenge, but you could at least be a little nicer."- Rhythm

At this point in the game, even the nicest were willing to turn to the dark side in order to win. After all, with a million dollar prize on the line, everyone was willing to do evil deeds in order to make it farther. Whether it was not helping others or completely betraying some people, it was what had to be done in order to survive.

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