Episode 11: Not My Cup of Tea- Immunity Challenge

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With the completion of the commercial break, the cameras panned in on the campers, each standing by their respective pots of tea, ready to begin. This would be the first time that they were competing in a challenge as individuals, so the pressure was on to see if they would be able to win immunity by relying on their own strength as opposed to anyone else's.

"Alright!" Chris called out as he pulled out his airhorn, "Ready! Set! GOOOO!!!!"

With that each camper scooped up a cup of tea and attempted to run down their lane, only to fall in one way or another. Even though they all saw that the lanes were coated with tea, none of them anticipated that the lanes would be so slippery. Thus, after taking a few seconds to recompose themselves, they all went back to refill their cups.

"Man...that actually hurts a lot," Aaron admitted.

"I've taken much harder hits when playing hockey, but that still hurt. Maybe it's because I'm not wearing my armor."- Aaron

"No duhhhhhh!" Daniel agreed before slipping and falling on the ground once again.

"Hahaaaaaaaaa!" Katelyn laughed before faceplanting on the ground.

"This way, the campers don't actually have to act funny in order to raise the ratings; they'll be naturally funny when they keep falling on their faces." *laughs*- Chris

"C'mon...c'mon..." Amalia repeated as she made her way across the lane.

"I'm fairly confident in my balancing abilities, so I'm not too concerned."- Amalia

"Slowly now," Kiana reminded herself as she carefully walked across the lane.

"I'm guessing that everyone is gonna go with the 'faster running = faster filling' strategy. For me, I'd rather go with the 'slow & steady' strategy. I'll be the tortoise in this race."- Kiana

"This cup barely carries any water!" Tory noted, frustrated.

"We're gonna be here for a while," Daniel remarked as he struggled to reach the containers.

"The biggest container is at least five gallons, maybe six. And our cup is about....maybe half a cup in unit measurement. And we also have to take into account that we don't completely fill the cups when we make a trip. Then there's the factor of spilling water as we walk to the containers. I estimate that it'll take at least 300 trips to fill the biggest container."- Daniel

"Don't you think that this'll be a bit boring for the viewers at home?" Rhythm asked.

"Don't worry," Chris assured as he laid back on a beach chair, "We'll just put it into a dramatic timelapse."


Thirty minutes have passed since the beginning of the challenge, and everyone began to feel exhausted, save for Chris and Chef Hatchet, of course. At this point in the challenge, everyone committed themselves to one prize, picked carefully in accordance with what they felt that they needed.

"Let's take a look at where everyone is at!" Chris announced as he stood up, "It looks like Aaron and Daniel are going for the ten thousand dollars!"

"That's riiiiiii-!!!!" Daniel began before slipping and falling onto his back.

"Ouch..." Chris winced, "That's gotta hurt."

"It doesn't matter which prize I'm going for; I'm not trying to win. Winning will put a target on my back. I went with the ten thousand dollars so people will think that I'm not a threat to win immunity. Hopefully I can sell it."- Daniel

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